Biography of Thomas R. Sharp

Compiled by the National Archivists before the microfilming of the Civil War records.

 Entries in blue are my additions and references ("Diary" is from the T. R. Sharp Diary, 1861-1863, here; "Tredegar Shop Records" are located at the Library of Virginia)

Photo from the Eden, N. C. Historical Museum 

   Thomas Robinson Sharp was born in Mount Carbon, Pa. February 22, 1834, when his father was Superintendent of the Danville & Pottsville RR. His father, Thomas Sharp, was Superintendent of the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR from 1840 to 1853. Thomas R. was assistant to the Superintendent of the Virginia & Tennessee RR from April, 1853-May, 1854. Thomas R. was an assistant Superintendent of the East Tennessee & Virginia RR from May to November, 1854. From April, 1855 to January, 1856, Thomas R. was an assistant to the Superintendent of the Petersburg RR. From April, 1857 to June 30, 1859, he was assistant Superintendent of one of the Alabama & Florida Railroads. From October 1859 to June 18, 1860, he was Superintendent of the Richmond & York River RR (under construction when he joined it). 
   Thomas Robinson's middle name was probably in honor of Moncure Robinson, brother of Conway, Edwin and Wirt Robinson, of Richmond. Robinson had been the Surveyor and Chief Engineer of the Danville & Pottsville RR during its construction in the 1830's. He probably had a say in the hiring of Thomas as Superintendent upon the completion of the road. In 1839, Moncure became President of the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR and invited Thomas to come be his Superintendent. Thomas left the R. F. & P. RR to become the General Superintendent of the Virginia & Tennessee RR in 1853 and made Thomas R. an assistant to himself. 
   Sharp's wife was Gertrude E. (Marsh), born July 24, 1835 in Virginia. In the 1860 census, Thomas and Gertrude were living with Gertrude's parents (Joseph P. and Lucy C. Marsh) and her sister (Julia A.) in Richmond.
   Thomas and Gertrude had three daughters: Lucy Ashby, born in 1862, Gertrude Virginia, born 1867, and Julia Elizabeth, born 1875, and two sons: Thomas, Jr. born in about 1870 and George Baker, born about 1873.
   After the war, Sharp opened the Peninsula Machine Works, beginning in December, 1865, in Middletown, Delaware, then became Superintendent of Transportation for the Baltimore & Ohio RR. By 1878, he had established himself as a railroad expert, headquartered in New York City. In that capacity, he became the Receiver, a Director and/or the President of the Long Island RR, the Cincinnati, Wheeling & New York RR, the Ohio Central RR, the Central of Iowa RR, the Memphis & Charleston RR and, finally, the Danville, Mocksville & Southwestern RR.
   Thomas Sharp died July 28, 1909 and is buried in Eden, N. C. His wife died February 20, 1907 and is buried with Thomas.

***** I have written a biography of Sharp's war experiences, available HERE *****

April 2, 1861 Was a candidate to become the Superintendent of the Richmond Gas Works
NP, RD 4-2-61
NP, RD 4-2B-61
NP, RD 4-3-61
NP, RD 4-3A-61
NP, RD 4-4B-61
June 18, 1861 Appointed an Agent of the Quartermaster Department Confederate States Army and instructed by the Quarter Master General to proceed to the Baltimore & Ohio RR at Harpers Ferry or any other point, and return to the line of the Manassas Gap RR any Locomotives, cars or other RR machinery or material that could be secured.  (Diary)  
NA, QM 6-18-61
NA, QM 6-18A-61
NA, QM 6-18B-61
LVA, TRED 6-25-61
NP, REX 6-25-61
NP, C 7-5-61
NP, RD 7-20-61
NP, REX 7-23-61
NP, RD 2-1-62
Map, Map, Map, Map of the area of operations during the removal of the B&O RR locomotives
June 28, 1861 Told to offer 3 locomotives to Manassas Gap RR and Orange & Alexandria RR
July 1, 1861 (est.) Had heavier and stronger traces and tongues made
NP, WES 9-15-1922
July 2, 1861 Authorized to sell rolling stock and material to the Manassas Gap RR
July 6, 1861 Requests instruction on how to spend to support his orders
July 15, 1861 Major McLean will have money put to his account to pay the accounts of Sharp
July 20, 1861 Major McLean requested to report on the status of Sharp's removal of rolling stock
July 25, 1861 80th Baltimore & Ohio RR car reached Strasburg, Va.
NA, QMR 7-27-61
July 30, 1861 Departed Leesburg, Va. for Piedmont Depot {Manassas Gap RR} with two Alexander, Loudoun & Hampshire RR locomotives and cars.  (Diary)
MISC, AL&H 8-9-61
NP, RD 9-2-61
NP, SW 9-4-61
August 1, 1861 Whitford, Atlantic & North Carolina RR, received wheels, axles and machinery from Richmond -- perhaps from Sharp
NA, WW 8-1-61
August 8, 1861 Ordered to deliver 2 locomotives to the Manassas Gap RR
August 10, 1861 Assistance requested for his present venture 
B1, QM 8-10-61
August 13, 1861 Ordered to turn over the Alexander, Loudoun & Hampshire RR locomotives to the Virginia Central RR and the Orange & Alexandria RR
Capt. Echols instructed to pay Sharp's bills
August 18, 1861 Ordered to support Orange & Alexandria RR and Virginia Central RR
Funds shifted to pay his expenses
NA, QM 8-18-61
August 21, 1861 Some Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives arrived in Winchester
Asks QM General for instructions for disposition of RR iron and telegraph wire
NA, QMR 8-21-61
August 23, 1861 Plans for removed iron
Impressed horses
NA, RRB 8-23A-61
NA, RRB 8-24-61
August 25, 1861 Pays for labor hauling locomotives
August 26, 1861 Ordered to send all wire and insulation to Staunton
August 27, 1861 Capt. Echols request money for Sharp's accounts
NA, QMR 8-27-61
Impressed 2 horses
NA, RRB 8-27-61
August 28, 1861 Whitford, Atlantic & North Carolina RR, received wheels, axles and machinery from Richmond -- perhaps from Sharp
NA, W&W 8-28-61
August 29, 1861 Secretary of War mentions Mr. T. R. Sharp, agent of Quarter Master Department
September 1, 1861 His consideration of the military protection required to re-lay the Winchester & Potomac RR was to be provided
September 2, 1861 A Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotive arrived in Winchester
Reports sending 48 miles telegraph wire to Staunton
NA, QMR 9-2-61
September 3, 1861 Ordered by QMG to turn over leather to QM Captain Clark
NA, QM 9-3F-61
September 4, 1861 Lt. Col. Ashby, commanding near Harper's Ferry, mentions the detail from his troops to protect Mr. Sharp, now removing engines, etc. from Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. 
OR Series 1, Vol. 5, Page 859
September 6, 1861 Detail of troops ordered as guard to the part near Winchester under Capt. T. R. Sharp, Acting Quarter Master
September 7, 1861 Issued the Alexandria, Loudoun & Hampshire RR locomotive to Virginia Central RR as the General Beauregard
NA, VC 9-7-61
NA, VC 9-7A-61
September 8, 1861 His request for cavalry protection will be honored
Asks what to do with tobacco
NA, QMR 9-8-61
NA, QMR 9-12-61
September 9, 1861 Ordered to turn over certain Martinsburg machinery
September 10, 1861 Ashe plans to use Sharp's teams to haul grain
NA, QMR 9-10-61
September 11, 1861 Made a contract with the President of the Winchester & Potomac RR to supply 3,000 tons of rail  
NA, QM 12-11-61
NA, QMR 9-11-61
NA, QM 9-13-61
NA, RRB xx-xx-61
September 14, 1861 Paid for having teams appraised
NA, RRB 9-14-61
September 18, 1861 Requested by Tredegar to help them get old iron rails from Martinsburg 
LVA, TRED 9-18-61
LVA, TRED 9-19-61
NA, QMR 9-19-61
LVA, TRED 10-18-61
LVA, TRED 10-23-61
LVA, TRED 11-26-61
September 20, 1861 Whitford, Atlantic & North Carolina RR, received wheels, axles and machinery from Richmond -- perhaps from Sharp
NA, WW 9-23-61
September 30, 1861 Paid for teamster, hay, horses and carpenter
October 1, 1861 Reports funds requested and disposition of RR iron and locomotives
NA, QMR 10-1-61
October 3, 1861 Accepted position of Chief Engineer of Winchester & Potomac RR  (Diary; LVA, TRED 10-23-61)
October 4, 1861 Capt Echols submitted estimate of funds required for purchase of horses
NA, QMR 10-4A-61
October 5, 1861 Directed by the Quarter Master General to send to Richmond all the Baltimore & Ohio RR cars he can for use on the Virginia Central RR  
NA, QM 10-5A-61
October 7, 1861 Directed to send the largest trip hammer he can find to Sam. Tate at Memphis
October 11, 1861 Issued Public Property to the Manassas Gap RR
Three locomotives and other cars shipped from Gordonsville to Richmond
October 14, 1861 Delivered the Alexandria, Loudon & Hampshire RR locomotive C. P. Manning (renamed General Johnston) to the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR
Echols to transfer funds to Clark to pay Sharp's accounts
NA, QM 10-14-61
NA, QM 10-14A-61
Thomas R. Sharp -- Captain & Assistant Quarter Master; Superintendent of Rail Road
October 15, 1861 Appointed, from Virginia, Captain & Assistant Quarter Master, to report to the Quarter Master General, accepted the same date. 
NA, QMR 10-14-61
October 15, 1861 - March 15, 1862 Paid for fuel for self in Winchester
October 16, 1861 President, Manassas Gap RR, asks for 1,000 tons of B&O rails
NA, QMR 10-16A-61
October 17, 1861 Ordered to turn over to Ordnance Bureau car wheels, axles, and iron
October 21, 1861 Submitted his claims for moving B&O RR machinery
NA, QMR 10-21-61
October 31, 1861 Paid bills for hauling of Baltimore & Ohio RR engines and equipment
November 8, 1861 QMG sends a voucher from McLean to Clarke to get Sharp's certification
NA, QM 11-8-61
November 11, 1861 Sent certificate to QM General for him to certify
NA, QMR 11-11-61
November 14, 1861 Tells QM General that he will not release Harper's Ferry material without an order
NA, QM 11-14-61
NA, QMR 11-15-61
NA, QMR 11-16-61
November 30, 1861 Pays Laborer
NA, RRB 11-30D-61
November 4, 1861 to February 21, 1862 General Jackson, commanding the Valley District, says that during the illness of Major Harman, Chief Quarter Master, his duties devolved upon Capt. T. R. Sharp 
Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 5, page 394
December 1, 1861 Delivered rails to the Winchester & Potomac RR
December 2, 1861 General Jackson mentions Capt. Sharp, Assistant Quarter Master, who is removing track near Martinsburg.  
OR Series 1, Vol. 5, Page 976
December 5-6, 1861 Removed Baltimore & Ohio RR cars from Harpers Ferry, Va.  (Diary)
December 8, 1861 Captured Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotive hauled from Hanover Junction to Richmond
December 11, 1861 Reports the removal of rolling stock from Harper's Ferry
December 12, 1861 Issued 5 locomotives and a large amount of material and tools to the Orange & Alexandria RR {Like the Manassas Gap RR, this road had lost its shops when Alexandria was captured in early 1861. The locomotives are Baltimore & Ohio RR equipment and the rest of the issue must have also been from the B&O}  
December 18, 1861 Asks for funds for Clark to pay his accounts
NA, QMR 12-18-61
December 19, 1861 Turns in statement of money expended from June 22 to October 15, 1861 for the removal of B&O RR material
NA, QMR 12-19A-61
December 20,1861 Was ordered to turn over to the Navy any locomotive boilers that could not be used in locomotives
December 21, 1861 Ordered by Major Ashe to turn over supplies to the Orange & Alexandria RR
Ordered to report regularly the quantity of iron turned over to a Lynchburg company
December 22, 1861 Ordered to deliver 4 miles of Baltimore & Ohio RR iron to Strasburg
December 24, 1861 Rank confirmed by Senate
December 30, 1861 Approved purchases of supplies
NA, RRB 12-30A-61
December 31, 1861 Approved transportation of Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives and material over Winchester & Potomac RR
Appointed Acting Chief Quarter Master of the Valley District by General Jackson  (Diary) and acted as such 
Turned over scrap iron to Tredegar
NA, LS 12-31-61
Paid bill for months of hauling of Baltimore & Ohio RR engines and equipment
NA, RRB 11-28-61
NA, RRB 11-28A-61
NA, RRB 11-30-61
NA, RRB 11-30A-61
NA, RRB 12-22-61
NA, RRB 12-31-61
NA, RRB 12-31A-61
NA, RRB 12-31B-61
NA, RRB 12-31C-61
NA, RRB 12-31D-61
NA, RRB 12-31E-61
NA, RRB 12-31H-61
NA, RRB 12-31I-61
NA, RRB 12-31J-61
NA, RRB 12-31K-61
NA, RRB 12-31L-61
NA, RRB 12-31M-61
NA, RRB 12-31T-61
NA, RRB 12-31U-61
NA, RRB 12-31V-61
NA, RRB 12-31W-61
NA, RRB 12-31X-61
NA, RRB 12-31Y-61
NA, RRB 12-31Z-61
NA, RRB 12-31AA-61
NA, RRB 12-31AB-61
NA, RRB 12-31AC-61
NA, RRB 12-31AD-61
NA, RRB 12-31AE-61
NA, RRB 12-31AF-61
NA, RRB 12-31AG-61
NA, RRB 12-31AH-61
NA, RRB 12-31AI-61
NA, RRB 12-31AJ-61
NA, RRB 12-31AK-61
NA, RRB 12-31AL-61
NA, RRB 12-31AM-61
NA, RRB 12-31AN-61
NA, RRB 12-31AO-61
NA, RRB 12-31AP-61
NA, RRB 12-31AQ-61
NA, RRB 12-31AR-61
NA, RRB 12-31AS-61
NA, RRB 12-31AT-61
NA, RRB 12-31AU-61
NA, RRB 12-31AV-61
NA, RRB 12-31AW-61
NA, RRB 12-31AX-61
NA, RRB 12-31AY-61
NA, RRB 12-31AZ-61
NA, RRB 12-31BA-61
Unknown Baltimore citizen worked on locomotive haul
1862 In making a report concerning expenditures of 2nd Quarter, Capt. Sharp says, "I acted only under orders of the Quarter Master General and reported to him. I regarded him my commanding officer." He also says, "Having been ordered to establish shops for repairing locomotives and cars..." {The document covers from the summer of 1861 to the fall of 1862}
January 1, 1862 Buys a wagon and saddles
January 2, 1862 Paid for harness repairs
NA, RRB 1-2-62
January 5, 1862 Paid for teamster
January 7, 1862 Paid for meals for B&O hauling men
NA, RRB 1-7-62
January 8, 1862 Received wagon and horses
NA, AOV 1-8-62
Ashe writes to QM General about transferring B&O RR machinery to Ordnance Dept.
NA, QMR 1-8-62
NA, QMR 1-10-62
January 9, 1862 Pays for services of wagon and teams
Paid for meals for teamsters
NA, RRB 1-9B-62
January 11, 1862 Paid for fodder and hauling to the Army of the Valley
January 13, 1862 Paid for team and teamsters
January 14, 1862 Purchases horses and wagons
January 15, 1862 Bought supplies for repairs
NA, RRB 1-15-62
January 17, 1862 Paid for repairing an ambulance and a teamster
Is ordered to turn over to the Ordnance Bureau everything taken from the Harpers Ferry Armory
January 19, 1862 Pays for team and teamster
January 20, 1862 Paid for driver, wagon, team
NA, RRB 1-20A-62
January 21, 1862 Buys 3 ambulances
Writes QM General regarding transfer of Harper's Ferry material
NA, QMR 1-21A-62
Informs QM General reason for suspension of removal of B&O RR material
NA, QMR 1-21-62
January 22, 1862 Paid for wagon, horses, etc
NA, RRB 1-22-62
NA, RRB 1-24-62
January 23, 1862 Issued Baltimore & Ohio RR material to the Orange & Alexandria RR
January 25, 1862 Directed by the Quarter Master General to resume his operations against the equipment of the Baltimore & Ohio RR as soon as possible  
NA, QM 1-25-62
Writes QM General about injured horses
NA, QMR 1-25-62
January 28, 1862 Asks Ashby to find a way to take telegraph wire
VHS, RRB 1-28-62
Pays for Teamster
NA, RRB 1-28-62
January 29, 1862 Returned horses & wagon
Pays for Teamster
NA, RRB 1-28-62
January 31, 1862 Repairing CS and Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives
Bought supplies for repairs
NA, RRB 1-31L-62
Paid for hauling B&O locomotives/equipment
NA, RRB 1-31H-62
NA, RRB 1-31I-62
NA, RRB 1-31J-62
NA, RRB 1-31K-62
Paid for hauling RR iron from Winchester to Strasburg
NA, RRB 1-31M-62
Paid teamster, wagons, teams, driver and Wagon Master; bought corn, hay
February 1, 1862 Paid for printing of QM forms
NA, RRB 2-1-62
February 3, 1862 Ordered by Quartermaster General to complete a railroad from a point to Centreville, Va.  (Diary)  
NA, MG 2-3-62
QM General received letter complaining about one of Sharp's agents
NA, QMR 2-3-62
NA, QMR 2-27A-62
NA, QMR 3-5A-62
Manassas Junction Railroads, Centreville RR Map
February 4, 1862 Paid for use of horses, wagon and teamster; buys saddle, harnesses telegraph poles
February 5, 1862 Ordered to forward equipment designated for the Navy
February 6, 1862 Paid expenses of detachment impressing horses
NA, RRB 2-6-62
Labor removing Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives
NA, RRB 2-6A-62
February 7, 1862 Hands in contract for B&O RR iron to be purchased by Tredegar
NA, QMR 2-7-62
February 8, 1862 Paid for use of wagons, teams and teamsters
February 9, 1862 President of Winchester & Potomac RR includes comments about Sharp
February 10, 1862 Purchases coal
NA, RRB 2-10-62
February 11, 1862 Buys lumber
NA, RRB 2-11-62
Pays for teamster
NA, RRB 2-11A-62
Board for men impressing for the Army of the Valley
NA, AOV 2-11A-62
NA, AOV 2-11B-62
February 12, 1862 Pays for use of complete wagon
NA, RRB 2-13A-62
February 13, 1862 Listed as assigned to Valley District to remove Baltimore & Ohio RR machinery, but currently at Centreville
Ordered brass bell made
NA, LS 2-13-62
February 15, 1862 Reports condition of Winchester & Potomac RR
NA, QMR 2-15-62
February 19, 1862 Capt. Clark advertised for those with claims regarding their teams to come forward for settlement. Would include Sharp's teams.
February 22, 1862 Paid for labor, wagon, horses and wagon bed
Bought corn and hay
February 24, 1862 Bought 2 tons of flat rails for Centreville RR
February 25, 1862 Reports on teams from contractors
NA, QMR 2-25-62
February 28, 1862 Paid for labor, horses, harnesses and board for removing Baltimore & Ohio RR material
NA, RRB 2-20-62
NA, RRB 2-26-62
NA, RRB 2-26A-62
NA, RRB 2-28-62
NA, RRB 2-28A-62
NA, RRB 2-28B-62
NA, RRB 2-28C-62
NA, RRB 2-28D-62
NA, RRB 2-28E-62
NA, RRB 2-28F-62
NA, RRB 2-28H-62
NA, RRB 2-28J-62
NA, RRB 2-28K-62
NA, RRB 2-28L-62
NA, RRB 2-28M-62
NA, RRB 2-28N-62
NA, RRB 2-28O-62
NA, RRB 2-28P-62
NA, RRB 2-28Q-62
NA, RRB 2-28R-62
NA, RRB 2-28S-62
NA, RRB 2-28T-62
NA, RRB 2-28U-62
NA, RRB 2-28V-62
NA, RRB 2-28W-62
NA, RRB 2-28X-62
NA, RRB 2-28Y-62
NA, RRB 2-28Z-62
NA, RRB 2-28AA-62
NA, RRB 2-28AB-62
NA, RRB 2-28AC-62
NA, RRB 2-28AD-62
NA, RRB 2-28AE-62
NA, RRB 2-28AF-62
NA, RRB 2-28AG-62
NA, RRB 2-28AH-62
NA, RRB 2-28AI-62
NA, RRB 2-28AJ-62
NA, RRB 2-28AK-62
NA, RRB 2-28AL-62
NA, RRB 2-28AM-62
NA, RRB 2-28AN-62
NA, RRB 2-28AO-62
NA, RRB 2-28AP-62
NA, RRB 2-28AQ-62
NA, RRB 2-28AR-62
NA, RRB 2-28AS-62
Date of bill for shipment of likely Baltimore & Ohio RR rails on the Montgomery & West Point RR
NA, M&WP 2-28-62
NA, M&WP 3-31-62
February ?, 1862 Purchased 3 locomotive axles from Tredegar Iron Works and had them sent to the Virginia Central RR shops {certainly for the repair of Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives} (Tredegar Shop Records)
March 1, 1862 Appointed Military Superintendent of the Military RR (to Centreville)  (Diary)
NA, MG 3-1-62
MISC, SHARP 3-1-62
Purchased horses, wagon and harnesses
Received spikes - nails
Purchased stationary engine for repair of Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives
Reports on locomotives for the Navy
NA, QMR 3-1-62
March 5, 1862 QM General cannot send the engine, but is sending the coal
March 7, 1862 Appears to sign for shoes
March 8, 1862 Paid for meals for men removing Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives
Paid Centreville RR Section Master and Foreman
NA, RRB 3-8D-62
NA, RRB 3-9C-62
March 9, 1862 Departed Manassas on last train as General Johnston evacuates the Manassas/Centreville position  (Diary)
Paid for repairs to Manassas Gap RR locomotive injured at Manassas Junction
Paid Centreville RR locomotive engineer
NA, RRB 3-9D-62
Centreville RR (abandoned) March 1862
March 10, 1862 Paid Engineer running Manassas Gap RR Locomotive No. 2 on the Orange & Alexandria RR
NA, RRB 3-10-62
March 13, 1862 Relieved of position as Superintendent of Military RR  (Diary)
March 15, 1862 Assigned to duty in the Quarter Master General's Office  (Diary)
March 19, 1862 Paid for repairs of 2 wagons used in removing Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives
NA, RRB 3-19-62
March 25, 1862 Spent two days in Petersburg with an Engineer officer considering improving the Government track connection. (Diary)
March 27, 1862 Purchased castings to repair Baltimore & Ohio RR and Manassas Gap RR locomotives
NA, RRB 3-27-62
March 3, 1862 to June 30, 1862 Paid bill for repairing CS locomotives in Virginia Central RR shops
NA, VC 3-31-62
NA, RRB 6-30H-62
Paid bill for months of hauling and repairing of Baltimore & Ohio RR and Manassas Gap RR engines and equipment and purchasing horses and wagons
NA, RRB 3-5A-62
NA, RRB 3-6-62
NA, RRB 3-8C-62
NA, RRB 3-8E-62
NA, RRB 3-8F-62
NA, RRB 3-9-62
NA, RRB 3-9B-62
NA, RRB 3-13A-62
NA, RRB 3-14-62
NA, RRB 3-28-62
NA, RRB 3-28A-62
NA, LS 3-31-62
NA, LS 3-31A-62
NA, RRB 3-31-62
NA, RRB 3-31A-62
NA, RRB 3-31B-62
NA, RRB 3-31C-62
NA, RRB 3-31D-62
NA, RRB 3-31E-62
NA, RRB 3-31F-62
NA, RRB 3-31G-62
NA, RRB 3-31H-62
NA, RRB 3-31I-62
NA, RRB 3-31J-62
NA, RRB 3-31K-62
NA, RRB 3-31L-62
NA, RRB 3-31M-62
NA, RRB 3-31N-62
NA, RRB 3-31O-62
NA, RRB 3-31P-62
NA, RRB 3-31Q-62
NA, RRB 3-31R-62
NA, RRB 3-31S-62
NA, RRB 3-31U-62
NA, RRB 3-31V-62
NA, RRB 3-31W-62
NA, RRB 3-31X-62
NA, RRB 3-31Y-62
NA, RRB 3-31Z-62
NA, RRB 3-31AA-62
NA, RRB 3-31AB-62
NA, RRB 3-31AC-62
NA, RRB 3-31AK-62
NA, RRB 3-31AL-62
NA, RRB 3-31AO-62
NA, RRB 3-31AP-62
NA, RRB 3-31AQ-62
NA, RRB 3-31AR-62
NA, RRB 3-31AS-62
NA, RRB 3-31AT-62
NA, RRB 3-31AU-62
NA, RRB 3-31AV-62
NA, RRB 3-31AW-62
NA, RRB 3-31AX-62
NA, RRB 3-31AY-62
NA, RRB 3-31BA-62
NA, RRB 3-31BB-62
NA, RRB 3-31BC-62
NA, RRB 3-31BD-62
NA, RRB 3-31BE-62
NA, RRB 3-31BF-62
NA, RRB 3-31BG-62
NA, RRB 3-31BH-62
NA, RRB 3-31BI-62
NA, RRB 3-31BJ-62
NA, RRB 3-31BK-62
NA, RRB 3-31BL-62
NA, RRB 3-31BM-62
NA, RRB 3-31BN-62
NA, RRB 3-31BO-62
NA, RRB 3-31BP-62
NA, RRB 3-31BQ-62
NA, RRB 3-31BR-62
NA, RRB 3-31BS-62
NA, RRB 3-31BU-62
NA, RRB 3-31BV-62
NA, RRB 3-31BW-62
NA, RRB 3-31BX-62
NA, RRB 3-31BY-62
NA, RRB 3-31CA-62
NA, RRB 3-31CB-62
NA, RRB 3-31CC-62
NA, RRB 3-31CD-62
NA, RRB 3-31CE-62
NA, RRB 3-31CF-62
NA, RRB 3-31CI-62
NA, RRB 3-31CJ-62
NA, RRB 3-31CK-62
NA, RRB 3-31CL-62
NA, RRB 3-31CM-62
NA, RRB 3-31CN-62
NA, RRB 3-31CO-62
NA, RRB 3-31CP-62
NA, RRB 3-31CQ-62
NA, RRB 3-31CR-62
NA, RRB 3-31CS-62
NA, RRB 3-31CT-62
NA, RRB 4-8-62
NA, RRB 4-12A-62
NA, RRB 4-14C-62
NA, RRB 4-18A-62
NA, RRB 4-20-62
NA, RRB 4-21-62
NA, RRB 4-23-62
NA, RRB 4-26-62
NA, RRB 4-26A-62
NA, RRB 4-26B-62
NA, RRB 4-29-62
NA, RRB 4-30-62
NA, RRB 4-30A-62
NA, RRB 4-30B-62
NA, RRB 4-30C-62
NA, RRB 4-30D-62
NA, RRB 4-30E-62
NA, RRB 4-30F-62
NA, RRB 4-30G-62
NA, RRB 4-30H-62
NA, RRB 4-30I-62
NA, RRB 4-30J-62
NA, RRB 4-30K-62
NA, RRB 4-30O-62
NA, RRB 4-30R-62
NA, RRB 4-30S-62
NA, RRB 4-30T-62
NA, RRB 4-30U-62
NA, RRB 4-30V-62
NA, RRB 4-30W-62
NA, RRB 4-30X-62
NA, RRB 4-30Y-62
NA, RRB 4-30Z-62
NA, RRB 4-30AA-62
NA, RRB 4-30AC-62
NA, RRB 4-30AE-62
NA, RRB 4-30AF-62
NA, RRB 4-30AG-62
NA, RRB 4-30AH-62
NA, RRB 4-30AL-62
NA, RRB 4-30AN-62
NA, RRB 4-30AO-62
NA, RRB 4-30AP-62
NA, RRB 4-30AQ-62
NA, RRB 4-30AR-62
NA, RRB 5-1-62
NA, RRB 5-1A-62
NA, RRB 5-1B-62
NA, RRB 5-6-62
NA, RRB 5-8-62
NA, RRB 5-11-62
NA, RRB 5-11A-62
NA, RRB 5-11B-62
NA, RRB 5-11C-62
NA, RRB 5-12A-62
NA, RRB 5-13-62
NA, RRB 5-13A-62
NA, RRB 5-14-62
NA, RRB 5-18-62
NA, RR 5-19-62
NA, RRB 5-19-62
NA, RRB 5-19A-62
NA, RRB 5-19B-62
NA, RRB 5-19C-62
NA, RRB 5-19D-62
NA, RRB 5-19E-62
NA, RRB 5-19F-62
NA, RRB 5-19G-62
NA, RRB 5-19H-62
NA, RRB 5-19I-62
NA, RRB 5-20-62
NA, RRB 5-20A-62
NA, RRB 5-20B-62
NA, RRB 5-20C-62
NA, RRB 5-20D-62
NA, RRB 5-20E-62
NA, RRB 5-20F-62
NA, RRB 5-20G-62
NA, RRB 5-20H-62
NA, RRB 5-20I-62
NA, RRB 5-20J-62
NA, RRB 5-20K-62
NA, RRB 5-20L-62
NA, RRB 5-20M-62
NA, RRB 5-20N-62
NA, RRB 5-20O-62
NA, RRB 5-20P-62
NA, RRB 5-20Q-62
NA, RRB 5-21-62
NA, RRB 5-22-62
NA, RRB 5-22C-62
NA, RRB 5-23-62
NA, RRB 5-23A-62
NA, RRB 5-23B-62
NA, RRB 5-23C-62
NA, RRB 5-30-62
NA, RRB 5-31F-62
NA, RRB 5-31G-62
NA, RRB 5-31J-62
NA, RRB 5-31T-62
NA, RRB 5-31U-62
NA, RRB 5-31V-62
NA, RRB 5-31W-62
NA, RRB 5-31X-62
NA, RRB 5-31Y-62
NA, RRB 5-31Z-62
NA, RRB 5-31AA-62
NA, RRB 5-31AB-62
NA, RRB 5-31AF-62
NA, RRB 5-31AG-62
NA, RRB 5-31AI-62
NA, RRB 5-31AJ-62
NA, RRB 5-31AK-62
NA, RRB 5-31AM-62
NA, RRB 6-16-62
NA, RRB 6-24A-62
NA, RRB 6-30-62
NA, RRB 6-30A-62
NA, RRB 6-30L-62
NA, RRB 6-30M-62
NA, RRB 11-12-62
NA, RRB 12-xx-62
Paid locomotive hands on Orange & Alexandria RR and Virginia Central RR
NA, RRB 3-31AZ-62
NA, RRB 3-31BT-62
NA, RRB 3-31BZ-62
NA, RRB 4-30AD-62
NA, RRB 6-25A-62
Paid hands on Richmond & York River RR
NA, RRB 4-30AT-62
Purchased supplies
NA, RRB 3-25A-62
NA, RRB 3-28B-62
April 1, 1862 Directed by General Johnston to collect convicts and slaves to lengthen sidings on the Virginia Central RR so that troop trains could pass each other  
NA, VC 4-1-62
April 4-5, 1862 Hauled Manassas Gap RR locomotive No. 3 through Richmond and placed it on the Richmond & York River RR
NA, RRB 4-4-62
April 6, 1862 Fell into a culvert at the Virginia Central RR depot in Richmond and broke his left leg  (Diary)
NP, RD 4-7-62
April 11, 1862 Purchased a saddle
Reports he will transfer Manassas Gap RR rolling stock back to the company
NA, QMR 4-11-62
April 12, 1862 Corresponded with Gen. Lee regarding rebuilding Petersburg connection
NA, RRB 4-12-62
April 14, 1862 Ordered to give all aid to the Ordnance Bureau removing material from Winchester
Buys castings and lumber
April 16, 1862 Paid Foreman on Petersburg connecting track
NA, RRB 4-16-62
April 17, 1862 Morfit wanted Sharp to put Manassas Gap RR cars on the North Carolina RR
NA, QMR 4-17-62
April 22, 1862 Purchased brass castings and lumber
NA, RRB 4-22-62
NA, RRB 4-22A-62
Rented blacksmith shop in Staunton
NA, RRB 4-22C-62
April 23, 1862 Returned to work at the Quarter Master General's Office, on crutches  (Diary)
April 24, 1862 Virginia Central RR ordered to turn over to Sharp all Baltimore & Ohio RR and Manassas Gap RR locomotives and cars not required for Government transportation on the Virginia Central RR  
NA, QM 4-24-62
Purchased railroad shop supplies from the Manassas Gap RR
Letter of his submitted regarding connection in Petersburg of 2 RRs
NA, QMR 4-24B-62
April 30, 1862 Approved purchase of supplies
NA, RRB 4-30AB-62
Paid Clerks
NA, RRB 4-30AI-62
NA, RRB 4-30AM-62
May 2, 1862 In Winchester, issued shop tools to the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac RR under orders of Col. Ashe
May 3, 1862 Paid carpenter
NA, RRB 5-3A-62
May 5, 1862 Repaired Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotive
May 8, 1862 QM General asked Secretary of War to get Navy to swap rail for Petersburg track reconstruction
NA, QMSW 5-8-62
May 12, 1862 Was instructed to check into freight detention at Weldon
NA, QMR 5-5-62
May 13, 1862 Purchased 422 50#/yard T-rails (each 21 feet long; total of 8/10 mile of track) total weight of 148,000# (74 tons)  (Tredegar Shop Records)
Approximate date of making contract for an ambulance train to run on the Richmond & Danville RR
NA, RRB 6-27-62
May 15, 1862 Paid engineer for removing government stores
NA, RRB 5-15-62
May 18, 1862 Approximate date 1 or 2 Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives went through Petersburg going south
May 19, 1862 Approves reconstruction of Petersburg Government track
May 22, 1862 Paid for labor of 2 slaves
Employed Asst. Superintendent over convicts at Hanover Junction siding and Petersburg Government track
NA, RRB 5-22B-62
Purchased supplies from the Manassas Gap RR
May 28-29, 1862 Hauled two locomotives (one was the Richmond & York River RR's Atlantic) from the Richmond & York River RR to the Richmond & Petersburg RR  (Diary)
May 28, 1862 Ordered to send train to Ashland to remove the sick and medical stores
NA, QMR 5-28A-62
May 31, 1862 Paid for repairs to Cars
Repairing Orange & Alexandria RR locomotives in Gordonsville
NA, RRB 3-31CG-62
NA, RRB 3-31CH-62
Paid for Fireman on CS locomotive
Paid Foreman for 2 months
Paid engineers on B&O captured locomotives
NA, RRB 5-31R-62
NA, RRB 5-31AD-62
Paid for Clerks
List of horses lost hauling locomotives
Paid for CS Conductor
Purchased lumber
NA, RRB 5-31S-62
June 2, 1862 Requisitioned tools to repair locomotives for the Piedmont RR
June 3, 1862 Paid machinist
NA, RRB 6-3-62
June 6, 1862 Virginia Central RR President says Sharp has used penitentiary convicts and recommends he get them again for a short job
June 9, 1862 Arranged for extra train to carry corn from Weldon
NA, QMR 6-9-62
June 10, 1862 Requested (from Richmond) transportation for wheels & axles
Purchased locks for freight cars
NA, RRB 6-10-62
June 11, 1862 Shipped 30 tons of T rails from Tredegar south on the Richmond & Petersburg RR  (Tredegar Shop Records)
June 12, 1862 Reminded to post his bond promptly
Proposes plan to ensure prompt dispatch of troops and supplies
NA, QMR 6-12-62
June 14, 1862 Purchased track parts
June 17, 1862 Paid locomotive engineer
Paid for installing a turntable in Richmond
June 18, 1862 Requested North Carolina RR haul 3 carloads of machinery and a tender from Raleigh to Company Shops
June 19, 1862 Shipped 3 tons of T rails from Tredegar south on the Richmond & Petersburg RR  (Tredegar Shop Records)
June 20, 1862 Shipped 3 tons of T rails from Tredegar south on the Richmond & Petersburg RR  (Tredegar Shop Records)
Wrote status of Manassas Gap RR cars taken by the government and the government's intention regarding them
NA, MG 6-20-62
Ordered to establish locomotive repair shop in Raleigh for Piedmont RR locomotives
NA, QM 6-20-62
QMG informs Secretary of War that Sharp is ordered to Raleigh to repair government locomotives
NA, QMR 6-20-62
June 21, 1862 Paid for repairs to to RR Bridge on (to?) Richmond & Petersburg RR
NA, RRB 6-21A-62
June 23, 1862 Paid for repairs to Locomotive #83
June 20-25, 1862 Made journey from Richmond to Company Shops, N. C. and Raleigh, N. C. Apparently at this time he established repair shops for locomotives and cars at Raleigh, under orders of the Quarter Master General.
NA, RR 4-4-62
NA, QM 6-20-62
NA, LS 6-24A-62
June 24, 1862 Received supplies for repairs to locomotives for the Piedmont RR
Paid for wagon and team
Repaired locomotive York
NA, RRB 6-24B-62
June 25, 1862 Paid for repairs to a RR bridge in Richmond
Purchased car locks
NA, RRB 6-25C-62
June 27, 1862 Approves Richmond & Danville ambulance train service performed
June 28, 1862 Paid for Engineer on Joseph R. Anderson
June 29, 1862 Paid for wagon rental
NA, RRB 6-29-62
June 30, 1862 Paid laborers for Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotive repairs
Paid for use of shop and tools repairing CS locomotives and use of locomotive on CS track at Petersburg
Paid for hauling cars in Richmond
NA, RRB 6-30Z-62
NA, RRB 6-30AA-62
NA, RRB 6-30AB-62
Paid for rental of Manassas Gap RR rolling stock
Paid for Clerks
Paid for CS Conductors and Fireman
Paid for rental of Richmond & York River RR locomotives
Bought supplies from the Manassas Gap RR
Requests transportation for equipment from Company Shops to Raleigh
Answered Carrington account questions
NA, QM 6-30C-62
Paid for locomotive on Government track in Petersburg
July 1, 1862 - September 30, 1862 Paid for rooms and fuel for self in Raleigh
July 1, 1862 Informs of pig iron needed
July 2, 1862 Rented the old machine shop of the Raleigh & Gaston RR in Raleigh for use as Confederate Government Locomotive Shop, repairing government locomotives and cars  (Diary)  
NA, QM 11-27A-63
Informed QMG of the facilities offered him in Raleigh and asks that Commissary General move one of his men from one of the buildings
NA, QMR 7-2-62
July 7, 1862 Locomotive and 6 cars of machinery hauled on the Richmond & Petersburg RR -- probably to the newly established Locomotive Shop
NA, R&P 7-7-62
QMG asks for information to settle an account
NA, QM 7-7B-62
July 8, 1862 QM General wants to know when he will return iron he received from Tredegar
July 9, 1862 Acknowledges information from QMG regarding cars being built by J. E. Allen and asks for team to haul coal for castings
NA, QMR 7-9-62
Bought corn
NA, LS 7-9-62
Wrote QMG regarding iron required
NA, QM 7-10-62
July 12, 1862 Sends account for Manassas Gap RR rolling stock. Expects his bond daily
NA, QM 7-12-62
NA, QMR 7-15-62
NA, QM 7-28-62
NA, QM 7-29B-62
NA, QMR 7-29-62
NA, QM 8-1-62
Informed where to get wagon and team
NA, QM 7-12B-62
July 19, 1862 Sent his accounts to correct
NA, QM 7-19-62
July 24, 1862 Paid for use of locomotive on Petersburg track
July 25, 1862 Ordinance Department has crucibles ready for him
Recommends building 100 freight cars for government
NA, QMR 7-25-62
NA, QMR 10-21-62
July 28, 1862 Reports his actions regarding government locomotives on the North Carolina RR
NA, QMR 7-28-62
Buys paint
NA, LS 7-28A-62
July 31, 1862 Paid laborers' wages at the Locomotive Shop
NA, LS 7-30-62
NA, LS 7-31-62
NA, LS 7-31A-62
NA, LS 7-31B-62
NA, LS 7-31C-62
NA, LS 7-31D-62
NA, LS 7-31E-62
NA, LS 7-31G-62
NA, LS 7-31H-62
NA, LS 7-31I-62
NA, LS 7-31J-62
NA, LS 7-31K-62
NA, LS 7-31L-62
NA, LS 7-31M-62
NA, LS 7-31N-62
NA, LS 7-31O-62
NA, LS 7-31P-62
NA, LS 7-31Q-62
NA, LS 7-31R-62
NA, LS 7-31S-62
NA, LS 7-31T-62
NA, LS 7-31U-62
NA, LS 7-31V-62
NA, LS 7-31W-62
NA, LS 7-31X-62
NA, LS 7-31Y-62
NA, LS 7-31Z-62
NA, LS 7-31AA-62
NA, LS 7-31AB-62
NA, LS 7-31AC-62
NA, LS 7-31AD-62
NA, LS 7-31AE-62
NA, LS 7-31AF-62
NA, LS 7-31AG-62
NA, LS 7-31AH-62
NA, LS 7-31AI-62
NA, LS 7-31AJ-62
NA, LS 7-31AK-62
NA, LS 7-31AL-62
NA, LS 7-31AM-62
NA, LS 7-31AN-62
NA, LS 7-31AO-62
NA, LS 7-31AP-62
NA, LS 7-31AQ-62
NA, LS 7-31AR-62
NA, LS 7-31AS-62
NA, LS 7-31AT-62
NA, LS 7-31AU-62
NA, LS 7-31AV-62
Paid for Crew on Government trains
August 2, 1862 Submitted account for rental of Manassas Gap RR cars
NA, QMR 8-2-62
NA, QMR 8-11-62
NA, QM 8-6-62
August 3, 1862 Replies to QM General regarding a complaint by Mr. Ashe
NA, QMR 9-3-62
August 4, 1862 His suggestion approved by the Quarter Master General for Sharp to control the use and assignment of Government locomotives and cars  
NA, QM 8-4-62
August 5, 1862 Submitted 4th Quarter Property Report and Personnel report for June - December
NA, QMR 9-5-62
August 6, 1862 Asks QM General to have QMs in Va. & NC note when CS locomotives and cars are used in transportation
NA, QMR 9-6-62
August through December, 1862 Purchased 17,000# of iron bars of the type used for railroad and rolling stock maintenance  (Tredegar Shop Records)
August 9, 1862 Ordered by the Quarter Master General to conduct an investigation into the reason for the delay of shipments from Charleston, S. C. to Raleigh, N. C.  
NA, QM 8-9-62
NA, QMR 8-12-62
August 15, 1862 Tells QM General he will leave for Richmond to execute his bond
NA, QMR 8-15-62
August 22, 1862 Purchases tin items for Locomotive Shop
NA, LS 8-22-62
August 31, 1862 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
NA, LS 8-31-62
NA, LS 8-31A-62
NA, LS 8-31B-62
NA, LS 8-31C-62
NA, LS 8-31D-62
NA, LS 8-31E-62
NA, LS 8-31F-62
NA, LS 8-31G-62
September 3, 1862 Bought coal and charcoal for the Locomotive Shop
September 8, 1862 Locomotives left by McClellan on the Peninsula were sent to the Locomotive Shop for repairs.
NP, CW 9-8-62
September 10, 1862 Wood and water bought on the Raleigh & Gaston RR for a train
September 17, 1862 2 Locomotives hauled on the Richmond & Petersburg RR were probably captured locomotives enroute to the Locomotive Shop
NA, R&P 9-17-62
September 19, 1862 Executed his official bond as a Quarter Master  (Diary)
NA, SWR 10-2-62
September 20, 1862 Made purchases from Tredegar and CS Ordinance Department
NA, LS 9-20-62
NA, LS 9-20A-62
Bond accepted.
September 23, 1862 Submits estimates of funds for September and October 1862
NA, QMR 9-23-62
Reports a lathe has been impressed and wants it returned
NA, QMR 9-23A-62
September 26, 1862 Purchased castings from the Raleigh & Gaston RR
September 27, 1862 Paid for rental of 3 Manassas Gap locomotives and cars
September 29, 1862 Is issued 6 bales of waste for the Shop
Advertises for mechanics for the Locomotive Shop
September 30, 1862 Purchased 55 tons old T-rail from Virginia Central RR
NA, VC 9-30-62
Paid for labor at Confederate Locomotive Shop
Purchased tools, supplies and castings
Paid for rental of Manassas Gap RR  and Richmond & York River RR rolling stock
Received commuted quarters
October 1, 1862 Purchased supplies from the Atlantic & North Carolina RR
NA, LS 10-1-62
October 3, 1862 Purchased a horse (a late entry from the Locomotive Haul?)
NA, RRB 10-3-62
October 4, 1862 Purchased a clock for the Locomotive Shops
NA, LS 10-4-62
October 6, 1862 Purchased wire cloth
NA, LS 10-6-62
October 7, 1862 States objections to Manassas Gap RR accounts
NA, QMR 10-7-62
October 10, 1862 Paid Engineers of CS locomotives
Purchased scrap iron
NA, LS 10-10-62
October 11, 1862 Purchased charcoal
NA, LS 10-11-62
October 13, 1862 Advertised for a foreman for the Locomotive Shop 
NP, RD 10-13-62
October 15, 1862 Intention to send him captured RR car wheels from Orange & Alexandria RR
NA, QMR 10-15B-62
October 17, 1862 Submits account for hire of teams
NA, QMR 10-17-62
October 21, 1862 Requested North Carolina RR move lime barrels
October 24, 1862 Purchased shingles
NA, LS 10-24-62
NA, LS 10-25-62
NA, LS 11-1B-62
October 29, 1862 QMG orders Valley claims be settled immediately
NA, QM 10-29-62
Received package from Richmond
NA, R&G 10-29-62
B&O #83 reported repaired in Raleigh shops, renamed Sterling Price, and returned to Richmond
NP, RSJ 10-29B-62
October 30, 1862 Purchased hammered iron
NA, LS 10-30A-62
October 31, 1862 Purchased 126,000 feet of lumber in Raleigh 
NA, LS 10-31A-62
Paid for labor removing captured property from the Orange & Alexandria RR
Paid Engineers / Firemen on Confederate locomotives
Paid for labor at the Confederate Locomotive Shop
NA, LS 10-31-62
NA, LS 10-31B-62
NA, LS 10-31C-62
NA, LS 10-31D-62
NA, LS 10-31E-62
NA, LS 10-31F-62
NA, LS 10-31H-62
NA, LS 10-31I-62
NA, LS 10-31J-62
NA, LS 10-31K-62
NA, LS 10-31L-62
NA, LS 10-31M-62
NA, LS 10-31N-62
NA, LS 10-31O-62
NA, LS 10-31P-62
NA, LS 10-31Q-62
NA, LS 10-31R-62
NA, LS 10-31S-62
NA, LS 10-31T-62
NA, LS 10-31U-62
NA, LS 10-31V-62
NA, LS 10-31W-62
NA, LS 10-31X-62
NA, LS 10-31Y-62
NA, LS 10-31Z-62
NA, LS 10-31AA-62
NA, LS 10-31AB-62
NA, LS 10-31AC-62
NA, LS 10-31AD-62
NA, LS 10-31AE-62
NA, LS 10-31AF-62
NA, LS 10-31AG-62
NA, LS 10-31AH-62
NA, LS 10-31AI-62
NA, LS 10-31AJ-62
NA, LS 10-31AK-62
NA, LS 10-31AL-62
NA, LS 10-31AM-62
NA, LS 10-31AN-62
NA, LS 10-31AO-62
NA, LS 10-31AP-62
NA, LS 10-31AQ-62
NA, LS 10-31AR-62
NA, LS 10-31AS-62
NA, LS 10-31AT-62
NA, LS 10-31AU-62
NA, LS 10-31AV-62
NA, LS 10-31AW-62
NA, LS 10-31AX-62
NA, LS 10-31AY-62
NA, LS 10-31AZ-62
NA, LS 10-31BA-62
NA, LS 10-31BB-62
NA, LS 10-31BC-62
NA, LS 10-31BD-62
NA, LS 10-31BE-62
NA, LS 10-31BF-62
NA, LS 10-31BG-62
NA, LS 10-31BH-62
NA, LS 10-31BI-62
NA, LS 10-31BJ-62
NA, LS 10-31BK-62
NA, LS 10-31BL-62
NA, LS 10-31BM-62
NA, LS 10-31BN-62
NA, LS 10-31BO-62
NA, LS 10-31BP-62
NA, LS 10-31BQ-62
NA, LS 10-31BR-62
NA, LS 10-31BS-62
NA, LS 10-31BT-62
NA, LS 10-31BU-62
NA, LS 10-31BV-62
NA, LS 10-31BW-62
NA, LS 10-31BX-62
NA, LS 10-31BY-62
NA, LS 10-31BZ-62
Paid telegraph bill
Purchased tools from Manassas Gap RR
Asks instructions regarding debts in Valley
NA, QMR 10-31-62
NA, QMR 11-20-62
NA, QMR 12-8-62
November 3, 1862 As Quartermaster, approved the lease of locomotives and cars for late 1862 and attempted to collect Government cars 
NA, MG 9-30-62
NA, MG 10-31B-62
NA, MG 11-3-62
NA, MG 11-3A-62
NA, MG 11-20-63
November 4, 1862 Sharp's estimate of funds required
NA, QMR 11-4-62
Asks for saw mill at Lynchburg to provide him lumber
NA, QMR 11-4A-62
November 7, 1862 Purchased supplies for the Locomotive Shop
November 11, 1862 Claim recorded for an impressed wagon
NA, RRB 11-11B-62
November 12, 1862 Asks Roanoke Valley RR be put in good order
NA, QMR 11-12-62
November 13, 1862 Paid for repairs to a locomotive by Petersburg Iron Works
Purchased planes
NA, LS 11-13-62
Paid Teamster
NA, LS 11-13A-62
November 17, 1862 A Government car noted in use -- relation to Sharp's control not known
NA, R&G 11-17-62
November 23, 1862 Writes QM General regarding engine ordered to Wilmington & Weldon RR
Purchased planes
NA, LS 11-13-62
November 30, 1862 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
Paid Conductors and Engineers on Government trains
Paid telegraph bill
Proposes visiting Richmond to settle accounts with several RRs
NA, QMR 11-30-62
December 2, 1862 One of two locomotives in the Locomotive Shop was desired by the Wilmington & Weldon RR
Purchased lathe and drill press
NA, LS 12-2-62
December 4, 1862 Disabled rolling stock that was transported over the Richmond & Petersburg RR this date may have been enroute to the Locomotive Shops
NA, R&P 12-4-62
Purchased old copper
NA, LS 12-4-62
December 6, 1862 Purchased hay
NA, LS 12-6-62
December 9, 1862 Bought 2 ambulance cars and a locomotive from Virginia Central RR
NA, VC 12-9-62
NA, QMR 12-15B-62
December 12, 1862 At Raleigh, N. C., signs as Captain & Assistant Quarter Master, in Charge of C. S. Locomotive Shops
December 16, 1862 Bought 7500 lbs iron castings
NA, LS 12-16-62
December 20, 1862 Bought paint, supplies, shingles and printed forms
NA, LS 12-20-62
NA, LS 12-20A-62
NA, LS 12-20B-62
NA, LS 12-31N-62
NA, LS 12-31O-62
December 23, 1862 Bought lumber
NA, LS 12-23-62
December 26, 1862 Writes Richmond about his quarterly reports
NA, LS 12-26-62
December 27, 1862 Buys scrap iron
December 30, 1862 Bought brass castings
NA, LS 12-30-62
His 1st & 2nd Qtr accounts received by QMG
NA, QMR 12-30-62
December 31, 1862 At Raleigh, N. C., signs as Captain & Assistant Quarter Master
Purchased castings and supplies from the Raleigh & Gaston RR
Paid for Locomotive Shop Labor
In clearing up old accounts, identified many who worked on the Baltimore & Ohio RR haul and in the Locomotive Shop and are not identified in any other existing record
Paid for rental of 2 Richmond & York River RR locomotives for 3 months
NA, R&YR 12-31-62
Rented Manassas Gap RR shop machines
NA, LS 12-31I-62
Paid for rent of Manassas Gap RR locomotives and cars
NA, RRB 12-31H-62
NA, RRB 12-31I-62
Paid for services of a marine diver
NA, QMR 12-31A-62
January 1, 1863 Purchased pig iron and coal
Bought tools
Transferred equipment to the Rail Road Bureau
Paid Clerks' travel
NA, RRB 1-1B-63
NA, RRB 1-1C-63
January 1, 1863 - November 1, 1863 Rented shops and equipment for the Locomotive Shop
January 6, 1863 Morfit recommends regarding disposition of RR property
NA, QMR 1-6A-63
January 11, 1863 Wrote QMG about turning over Locomotive Shop to Wadley
NA, QMR 1-11-63
January 17, 1863 Paid for 20 box cars contracted for by Ashe
NA, LS 1-17-63
January 18, 1863 Rented Manassas Gap RR locomotive
NA, RRB 1-18-63
January 19, 1863 Purchased supplies
NA, LS 1-19-63
January 22, 1863 Shipped grindstone to Richmond
Paid Richmond & York River RR for use of 2 locomotives for 3 months
January 23, 1863 Purchased rosin oil, iron, shop supplies and tack
NA, LS 1-23-63
NA, LS 1-23A-63
NA, LS 1-23B-63
Praised the quality of the Deep River coal
NP, RSTD 1-23-63
January 27, 1863 Paid bills for work by Tredegar
NA, LS 1-27-63
NA, LS 1-27A-63
January 28, 1863 Submitted estimate of funds for January, 1863
NA, QMR 1-28A-63
January 29, 1863 Bought supplies, castings and equipment
January 30, 1863 Received receipt, for impressed team, from QMG
NA, QMR 1-30C-63
NA, RRB 1-30A-63
Report that he is trying to get blacksmith from Augusta Arsenal to move to Raleigh
NA, QMR 1-22C-63
NA, QMR 1-30B-63
January 31, 1863 Paid laborer at Locomotive Shop
NA, LS 1-31-63
NA, LS 1-31B-63
NA, LS 1-31C-63
NA, LS 1-31D-63
NA, LS 1-31E-63
NA, LS 1-31F-63
NA, LS 1-31G-63
NA, LS 1-31H-63
NA, LS 1-31I-63
NA, LS 1-31J-63
NA, LS 1-31K-63
NA, LS 1-31L-63
NA, LS 1-31M-63
NA, LS 1-31N-63
NA, LS 1-31O-63
NA, LS 1-31P-63
NA, LS 1-31Q-63
NA, LS 1-31R-63
NA, LS 1-31S-63
NA, LS 1-31T-63
NA, LS 1-31U-63
NA, LS 1-31V-63
NA, LS 1-31W-63
NA, LS 1-31X-63
NA, LS 1-31Y-63
NA, LS 1-31Z-63
NA, LS 1-31AA-63
NA, LS 1-31AB-63
NA, LS 1-31AC-63
NA, LS 1-31AD-63
NA, LS 1-31AE-63
NA, LS 1-31AF-63
NA, LS 1-31AG-63
NA, LS 1-31AH-63
NA, LS 1-31AI-63
NA, LS 1-31AJ-63
NA, LS 1-31AK-63
NA, LS 1-31AL-63
NA, LS 1-31AM-63
NA, LS 1-31AN-63
NA, LS 1-31AO-63
NA, LS 1-31AP-63
NA, LS 1-31AQ-63
NA, LS 1-31AR-63
NA, LS 1-31AS-63
NA, LS 1-31AT-63
NA, LS 1-31AU-63
NA, LS 1-31AV-63
NA, LS 1-31AW-63
NA, LS 1-31AX-63
NA, LS 1-31AY-63
NA, LS 1-31AZ-63
NA, LS 1-31BA-63
NA, LS 1-31BB-63
NA, LS 1-31BC-63
NA, LS 1-31BD-63
NA, LS 1-31BE-63
NA, LS 1-31BF-63
NA, LS 1-31BG-63
NA, LS 1-31BH-63
NA, LS 1-31BI-63
NA, LS 1-31BJ-63
NA, LS 1-31BK-63
NA, LS 1-31BL-63
NA, LS 1-31BM-63
NA, LS 1-31BN-63
NA, LS 1-31BO-63
NA, LS 1-31BP-63
NA, LS 1-31BQ-63
NA, LS 1-31BR-63
NA, LS 1-31BS-63
NA, LS 1-31BT-63
NA, LS 1-31BU-63
NA, LS 1-31BV-63
NA, LS 1-31BW-63
NA, LS 1-31BX-63
NA, LS 1-31BY-63
NA, LS 1-31BZ-63
NA, LS 1-31CA-63
NA, LS 1-31CB-63
NA, LS 1-31CC-63
NA, LS 1-31CD-63
NA, LS 1-31CE-63
NA, LS 1-31CF-63
NA, LS 1-31CG-63
NA, LS 1-31CH-63
NA, LS 1-31CI-63
NA, LS 1-31CJ-63
NA, LS 1-31CK-63
NA, LS 1-31CL-63
NA, LS 1-31CM-63
NA, LS 1-31CN-63
NA, LS 1-31CO-63
NA, LS 1-31CP-63
NA, LS 1-31CQ-63
NA, LS 1-31CR-63
NA, LS 1-31CS-63
NA, LS 1-31CT-63
NA, LS 1-31CV-63
NA, LS 1-31CW-63
NA, LS 1-31CX-63
NA, LS 1-31CZ-63
NA, LS 1-31DA-63
NA, LS 1-31DB-63
NA, LS 1-31DC-63
NA, LS 1-31DD-63
NA, LS 1-31DE-63
NA, LS 1-31DF-63
NA, LS 1-31DH-63
NA, LS 1-31DI-63
NA, LS 1-31DJ-63
NA, LS 1-31DK-63
NA, LS 1-31DL-63
NA, LS 1-31DM-63
NA, LS 1-31DN-63
NA, LS 1-31DO-63
Paid for hands on CS train
NA, RRB 1-31-63
NA, RRB 1-31A-63
NA, RRB 1-31B-63
NA, RRB 1-31F-63
NA, RRB 1-31H-63
NA, RRB 1-31I-63
NA, RRB 1-31K-63
Paid Clerks
NA, RRB 1-31G-63
NA, RRB 1-31J-63
Paid Purchasing Agent
NA, LS 1-31CY-63
Paid telegraph bill
Paid for rental of shop and machines
NA, LS 1-31A-63
Rented Manassas Gap RR cars
NA, RRB 6-30D-63
Reports his action regarding iron and the Western North Carolina RR
NA, QMR 1-31B-63
February 2, 1863 Col. Wadley called at the Shops and informed Sharp that the Secretary of War had ordered the Shops be closed and the material and property be turned over to him. (This almost certainly in accordance with the RR Convention. Sharp informed his workers. (Diary)
NA, QMR 1-5A-63
NA, RRB 12-15-62
Sharp reported Wadley's presence to receive the RR property and asking for a furlough when the property was turned over
NA, QMR 2-2C-63
Bought supplies
NA, LS 2-2A-63
Paid labor at Locomotive Shop
February 3, 1863 Pays for repairs to CS Locomotive Huger in Petersburg
NA, PIW 2-3-63
Navy requests 2 iron B&O cars from Shops
NA, SWR 2-3-63
February 5, 1863 Bought scrap iron
NA, LS 2-5A-63
February 6, 1863 Paid CS conductor and engineer
Sold Machine
NA, LS 2-6-63
February 8, 1863 Between this date and June 1, 1863, turned over Locomotive Shop equipment and supplies to Major Sims  
NA, QMR 2-7A-63
NA, RRB 2-8-63
NA, RRB 2-10-63
NA, RRB 2-20-63
NA, RRB 2-24-63
NA, RRB 2-28-63
NA, QMR 3-5-63
NA, RRB 3-21-63
NA, RRB 3-25-63
NA, RRB 3-31-63
NA, RRB 4-7-63
NA, LS 4-7-63
NA, RRB 4-7-63
NA, LS 4-30-63
NA, LS 4-30K-63
NA, RRB 5-1-63
NA, RRB 5-13-63
NA, LS 5-22-63
NA, RRB 5-26-63
NA, RRB 5-29A-63
NA, LS 6-1-63
NA, RRB 3-31B-64
February 9, 1863 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
NA, LS 2-9-63
February 11, 1863 Reports that he has good hands that need to be reassigned now that the Locomotive Shop is closing  
NA, RRB 2-11-63
Paid Locomotive Shop labor
NA, LS 2-11-63
NA, LS 2-12-63
NA, LS 2-15-63
Paid Clerk's expenses
NA, RRB 2-11A-63
February 12, 1863 Money Report for 3rd Qtr 1863 received by QMG
NA, QMR 2-12B-63
Reports that Raleigh & Gaston RR has no iron to spare
NA, QMR 2-12C-63
February 14, 1863 Bought lumber and supplies
February 20, 1863 Had plan to distribute hundreds of car wheels on hand
February 21, 1863 QMG receives his property reports
NA, QMR 2-21-63
February 23, 1863 Reports regarding a receipt for a team
NA, QMR 2-23A-63
February 24, 1863 Was informed by Tredegar what the current price of RR spikes was
February 27, 1863 Offers to sell Tredegar 2 cars  
LVA, TRED 2-27-63
LVA, TRED 3-18-63
February 28, 1863 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
Paid telegraph bill
Paid Clerks
NA, RRB 2-28E-63
NA, RRB 2-28G-63
Paid for collecting Government cars
NA, RRB 2-28F-63
Rented Manassas Gap RR shop machines
NA, LS 2-28R-63
Paid for removing a CS locomotive from Petersburg to Raleigh
NA, LS 2-28V-63
March 9, 1863 Offers to provide 3 locomotives to Manassas Gap RR
NA, RRB 3-9-63
NA, RRB 6-2-63
March 10, 1863 Captain & Assistant Quarter Master, ordered to relieve Captain Venable, Assistant Quarter Master at Weldon, N. C.
NA, SHARP 3-10-63
March 12, 1863 Took over the position of Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR
March 17, 1863 President Johnston requests Sharp be assigned as his Superintendent
NA, QMR 3-17-63
March 18, 1863 Provided a lathe to Salisbury Ordnance Shop
Major Carrington, at Weldon, approved Sharp's transfer to be Superintendent of Charlotte & South Carolina RR
NA, QMR 3-18-63
March 19, 1863 Captain Troutman, Assistant Quarter Master, ordered to relieve Captain T. R. Sharp, Assistant Quarter Master, at Weldon, N. C. Captain Sharp, when relieved, will report as temporary Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina Rail Road. This order was requested by General Lee, January 23, 1863  (Diary) 
NA, QM 3-19-63
NA, SHARP 3-19-63
OR Series 1, Vol. 21, Page 1110
March 20, 1863 Returned the Manassas Gap RR rolling stock that had been used by the Government
March 23, 1863 Recommends a man for AQM
March 25, 1863 Arrived in Columbia, S. C. to take up his duties as Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR  (Diary)
March 28, 1863 Paid for loading an engine on cars
NA, LS 3-28-63
March 31, 1863 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
Paid for rental of shop and machines
NA, LS 3-31-63
Paid for telegrams sent from Raleigh
Paid Clerks and travel
NA, RRB 3-31G-63
NA, RRB 3-31H-63
NA, RRB 3-31J-63
Paid for collecting CS freight cars
NA, RRB 3-31I-63
Rented Manassas Gap locomotive and cars
NA, RRB 3-31D-63
NA, RRB 3-31E-63
NA, RRB 3-31F-63
April 1, 1863 Sent Locomotive Shop Clerk to Weldon, N. C.
April 4, 1863 Sent a drill press to Richmond
April 10, 1863 Paid Clerk's travel
NA, RRB 4-10-63
April 13, 1863 Purchased iron and lime
NA, LS 4-13-63
NA, LS 4-13A-63
April 15, 1863 Paid for having Government cars found and distributed
As Superintendent of Charlotte & South Carolina RR and Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroads published new schedules
NP, DB 5-6-63
NP, DB 4-15-63
April 18, 1863 Sent Locomotive Shop Clerk to Columbia, S. C.
April 30, 1863 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
Paid Clerks
NA, RRB 4-30A-63
NA, RRB 4-30C-63
Paid for searching for Government cars
NA, RRB 4-30B-63
May 1, 1863 Announced new schedules for Charlotte & South Carolina RR and Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RR
UNC, C&SC 5-1-63
May 3, 1863 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
NA, LS 5-3-63
NA, LS 5-4A-63
May 12, 1863 Paid for rental of shop and machines
NA, LS 5-12-63
May 16, 1863 Asks permission to keep his staff
May 25, 1863 Quarter Master General directed Sharp to take control of all Government freight passing through Columbia, S. C.  
NA, QM 5-25-63
NA, QM 5-25A-63
May 27, 1863 All railroad property at Raleigh, N. C. is in the hands of Capt. T. R. Sharp, Assistant Quarter Master
May 27, 1863 Transferred iron and blacksmith gear
NA, LS 5-27-63
May 31, 1863 Paid Locomotive Shop labor
Paid Clerk
NA, RRB 5-31A-63
NA, RRB 5-31B-63
Submitted corrections to his 2nd Qtr 1862 accounts
NA, QMR 5-31C-63
June 1, 1863 Supervised the removal of machinery from Raleigh from June 1 through September 19
Published Notice to Shippers, signed at General Superintendent of Charlotte & South Carolina RR and Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RR
June 4, 1863 Published new schedules for Charlotte & South Carolina RR and Atlantic & Tennessee RR
June 6, 1863 Asks permission to keep the hands transferred to him by Major Rhett
Ordered to turn over a lathe
NA, RRB 6-20A-63
June 8, 1863 Purchased 12,000+ lbs hammered iron.
NA, LS 6-2-64
Ordered to return the last of the Manassas Gap RR rolling stock under his control
June 9, 1863 Sims asks for info on corn shipment
June 12, 1863 Sims solves dispute over purchase of locomotives
June 16, 1863 Manassas Gap RR lathe taken to Wilmington from Shop
June 17, 1863 Supplies received from other Quartermasters
June 18, 1863 Reports several barrels received from South Carolina RR with some contents missing
NA, QMR 6-18A-63
Paid clerk
NA, RRB 6-18A-63
June 19, 1863 Ordered to report to the Quarter Master General all railroad property that had not been turned over to Colonel Wadley (ie Major Sims)  
NA, QM 6-19-63
June 20, 1863 Informs QM General that he cannot unload his cars of commissary supplies at Charlotte
June 22, 1863 In Martinsburg, paid for corn purchased16 months before
June 24, 1863 Requests 50 soldiers to guard bridges
NA, SWTR 6-24-63
NA, QMSW 7-10-63
NA, QMR 7-4-63
NA, QMR 10-17A-63
June 25, 1863 Was allowed to retain staff for his use in Columbia, S. C.
June 26, 1863 Paid Clerk's travel expenses
NA, RRB 6-26-63
June 28, 1863 Reports he is turning over to Sims all RR material not receipted by Wadley
NA, QMR 6-28-63
June 29, 1863 Asked to have his pistol repaired
June 30, 1863 Reported the items consumed, produced and sold by the Locomotive Shop during the May through June 1863 quarter  
NA, LS 6-30-63
NA, LS 6-30A-63
NA, LS 6-30B-63
NA, LS 6-30C-63
NA, LS 6-30D-63
NA, LS 6-30E-63
NA, LS 6-30I-63
Paid for use of Locomotive Shop buildings and facilities
Paid for Locomotive Shop labor
Accounts for wagon and horses taken for the service
Paid for Transportation Department labor in Columbia
NA, RRB 6-30A-63
NA, RRB 6-30F-63
NA, RRB 6-30G-63
Paid Clerk
NA, RRB 6-30E-63
Rented Manassas Gap locomotive and cars
NA, RRB 6-30B-63
NA, RRB 6-30C-63
NA, RRB 6-30D-63
July 13, 1863 With others in North Carolina, was instructed regarding securing and forwarding army supplies
NA, QMR 7-13C-63
July 14, 1863 Reports damaged goods received from South Carolina RR
NA, QMR 7-14A-63
NA, QMR 7-15B-63
July 20, 1863 Paid for a Clerk's trip to Wilmington
NA, RRB 7-20A-63
Charlotte QM reports the new rates on Sharp's road
NA, QMR 7-20-63
July 21, 1863 Mentioned as Captain & Assistant Quarter Master at Columbia, S. C.
July 27, 1863 Addressed at Columbia, S. C. Receives orders from General Beauregard
OR Series 1, Vol. 28, Part 2, Page 233
July 31, 1863 Paid for clerk in Columbia, S. C.
Paid Transportation Agent
NA, RRB 7-31J-63
Paid for Slave Laborers
NA, RRB 7-31F-63
NA, RRB 7-31G-63
NA, RRB 7-31K-63
August 1, 1863 Paid Clerk's expenses
NA, RRB 8-1D-63
August 3, 1863 Beauregard directs that Sharp send ordnance and ordnance stores by passenger trains to Charleston
NA, DSCGF 8-3-63
August 6, 1863 Reports on destruction of cars
NA, QMR 8-6A-63
August 11, 1863 Telegraphs Richmond from Columbia
NA, RRB 8-11A-63
August 10, 1863 Paid Clerk's travel
NA, RRB 8-10A-63
NA, RRB 8-15-63
August 18, 1863 Reports damage and theft on South Carolina RR
NA, QMR 8-18B-63
NA, QMR 8-18E-63
NA, QMR 8-19B-63
August 21, 1863 Received a pistol to replace his burst one
August 24, 1863 Lost horses hauling Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives
August 30, 1863 Pays for laborers
NA, RRB 8-30A-63
NA, RRB 8-30B-63
NA, RRB 8-30C-63
August 31, 1863 Paid for Store Keeper at Raleigh (probably at what remained of the Locomotive Shops) 
Paid Clerks
NA, RRB 8-31C-63
NA, RRB 8-31D-63
Paid Transportation Agent
NA, RRB 8-31H-63
Paid for slave Laborers
NA, RRB 8-31E-63
NA, RRB 8-31F-63
NA, RRB 8-31G-63
NA, RRB 8-31I-63
Paid for 10 new box cars
NA, RRB 6-17-64
September 1, 1863 As Superintendent of Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio and Charlotte & South Carolina RRs, issued new schedules
NP, DB 9-2-63
September 7, 1863 Reports theft from South Carolina RR
NA, QMR 9-7B-63
September 8, 1863 Asks Sims for a locomotive
Sent clerk from Columbia to Staunton and back
NA, RRB 9-8-63
September 9, 1863 Reports on Longstreet's troops passing on his road
September 16, 1863 Loss of 2 horses hauling Baltimore & Ohio RR locomotives
September 18, 1863 Is reported on list of Quartermasters stationed in Columbia
Told to meet Sims in Montgomery to distribute rolling stock
September 23, 1863 Ordered to employ necessary labor to unload Greenville & Columbia RR cars
September 29, 1863 Reports his duty situation 
September 30, 1863 Pays for Transportation Department labor
NA, RRB 9-30F-63
NA, RRB 9-30I-63
NA, RRB 9-30J-63
NA, RRB 9-30K-63
NA, RRB 9-30O-63
Paid Clerk and Agent
NA, RRB 9-30G-63
NA, RRB 9-30H-63
October 1, 1863 Draws forage for one horse
October 9,1863 As Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR, offered a locomotive from Major Sims
October 14, 1863 Asked to take a train of cotton, if he could
October 29, 1863 Paid for repairs to a Richmond & York River RR locomotive
October 24 - November 10, 1863 Took a trip through Augusta, Montgomery, Mobile and Atlanta looking for locomotives and cars to lease. Leased 2 locomotives and 30 cars from the Memphis & Ohio RR  (Diary)
October 31, 1863 Paid for laborers and clerk
NA, RRB 10-31G-63
NA, RRB 10-31H-63
NA, RRB 10-31I-63
NA, RRB 10-31J-63
NA, RRB 10-31K-63
NA, RRB 10-31L-63
NA, RRB 10-31N-63
November 1, 1863 Draws forage for one horse
November 2, 1863 Leased 2 locomotives and 5 passenger cars from the Memphis & Ohio RR
November 2 to November 25, 1863 Appears to have made a trip to Wilmington to buy railroad supplies (probably late in this period)
November 7, 1863 Was notified of a shipment from Charlotte to Macon
November 10, 1863 Had a cotton train detained in Wilmington
NA, DW 11-10-63
November 14, 1863 Sharp asked to certify rental of an item
NA, QM 11-14-63
November 16, 1863 Mentioned as Superintendent of Charlotte & South Carolina Railroad
November 19, 1863 Failed to get 2 slaves exempted from work on the Charleston defenses
OR Series 1, Vol. 28, Part 1, Page 167
November 20, 1863 Receives report of search for Manassas Gap RR rolling stock
NA, MG 11-20-63
November 21, 1863 Paid for laborer
NA, RRB 11-21A-63
Reported agreement with Raleigh & Gaston RR
NA, QMR 11-21B-63
November 23, 1863 Sends receipts for property given to a man
NA, QMR 11-23B-63
November 25, 1863 Paid for Columbia telegrams
November 27, 1863 Offered to exchange crucibles for screws and files
Sims informed of the Government's view of the arrangement with the Raleigh & Gaston RR for the Locomotive Shop buildings and improvements. Sims instructed to so inform Sharp
November 28, 1863 Auditor of accounts requests funds to pay Sharp's road at Sharp's request
NA, QMR 11-28-63
November 30, 1863 Paid for Storekeeper of RR material at Raleigh and Clerk and laborer at Columbia
Receives a detailed man
NA, DSCGF 11-30-63
December 1, 1863 Draws fodder for one horse
December 7, 1863 A letter of his forwarded to QMG
NA, QMR 12-7-63
December 9, 1863 Quarter Master General required Sharp to explain how he could do both the Quarter Master job and the Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR job at the same time  
NA, QM 12-9-63
December 11, 1863 Offers Sims a train
Advertises for 200 hands for next year
December 12, 1863 Manassas Gap RR claim sent to him
NA, QMR 12-10A-63
NA, QM 2-1-64
December 13. 1863 Reports on cotton train from Columbia to Wilmington
NA, QMR 12-13-63
December 14, 1863 Was asked to help procure supplies for the Charlotte Naval Station
December 17, 1863 Signs advertisement of schedules of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR and the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RR as Superintendent of both roads.
NP, IE 12-17-63
December 18, 1863 Reports that the delay in shipping shingles was caused by corn shipments
NA, QMR 12-18C-63
December 22, 1863 Looking for arms for guards
December 23, 1863 Reports in accordance with QMGO circular
NA, QMR 12-23C-63
December 31, 1863 Still the Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR at the end of the year and at the end of the Diary  (Diary)
Paid for laborers
NA, RRB 12-31H-63
NA, RRB 12-31I-63
NA, RRB 12-31J-63
NA, RRB 12-31K-63
NA, RRB 12-31P-63
January 1, 1864 Transfers 2 ambulance cars to Sims
January 4, 1864 Reports to Sims that train will leave Columbia for Augusta as soon as locomotive repaired
January 5, 1864 Difficulty with salt shipments
January 16, 1864 Maj. Woods recommends continuing through shipments from Columbia and Charlotte under the supervision of Sharp
NA, QMR 1-16-64
January 19, 1864 Asks that his RR not be harmed by a refusal to pay certain tickets
NA, QMR 1-19-64
January 21, 1864 Maj. Smith visits and reports on status of rolling stock and corn shipments
NA, CS 1-21-64
January 23, 1864 Maj. Smith reports and evaluates Sharp and his value at the Locomotive Shop
NA, CS 1-23-64
January 26, 1863 Writes ticket questions to Wood
NA, QMR 1-26C-64
January 28, 1864 Sharp requests a saddle be made
Buys supplies from Railroad Bureau
NA, C&SC 1-28-64
Receives a detailed man
NA, DSCGF 12-29-63
January 31, 1864 Sharp justifies a Manassas Gap RR rolling stock bill
NA, MG 12-10-63
Pays for laborers and agents in Columbia
NA, RRB 1-30-64
NA, RRB 1-31D-64
NA, RRB 1-31E-64
NA, RRB 1-31F-64
NA, RRB 1-31G-64
NA, RRB 1-31H-64
NA, RRB 1-31N-64
February 1, 1864 Mentioned in a Maj. Smith report
NA, CS 2-1-64
February 6, 1864 Receives shipping instructions
February 11, 1864 Still Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR  
NA, RRBT 2-11-64
February 12, 1864 Promises Charlotte & South Carolina RR will pay for lost nails
February 17, 1864 Issues orders regarding cotton and forage in his depots
NP, CEB 3-7-64
February 18, 1864 Purchases ink
February 23, 1864 Requested to ship medical stores by passenger train
February 29, 1864 Got Memphis & Ohio RR rolling stock to Columbia
NP, RW 2-29-64
Paid for laborers
NA, RRB 2-29D-64
NA, RRB 2-29E-64
NA, RRB 2-29F-64
NA, RRB 2-29G-64
NA, RRB 2-29H-64
March 3, 1864 Purchases official envelopes
Asks for detail of a man
NA, QMR 3-3D-64
NA, RRB 3-3B-64
March 8, 1864 Letter received regarding missing bacon and candles
NA, QMR 3-8B-64
March 12, 1864 Only one passenger train a day is allowed -- all other to carry government freight
March 25, 1864 Deposited $37,000 to the Quartermaster Department account
March 28, 1864 Receives Smith's comments on hire of B&O locomotive by the Roanoke Valley RR
March 30, 1864 A report has not been received
Issues new schedule for Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RR
March 31, 1864 Paid for Transportation Agent and laborers
NA, RRB 3-31K-64
NA, RRB 3-31L-64
April 1, 1864 Greenville & Columbia RR told to report the arrival of each train promptly to him
April 8, 1864 Reports his staff
NA, QMR 4-8B-64
NA, RRB 4-8-64
NA, RRB 4-18-64
April 20, 1864 Reports funds turned over
NA, QMR 4-20-64
April 23, 1864 Reports losses of Government freight on Charlotte & South Carolina RR and Junction in January, 1864
NA, QMR 4-23A-64
NA, QMR 4-30B-64
April 29, 1864 Mentioned in Maj. Smith's report as sending 25 cars of food per day to Charlotte
NA, CS 4-29-64
April 30, 1864 Paid Transportation Agent and laborers
May 2, 1864 Issues rules for freight handling on the Charlotte & South Carolina RR and the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RR
May 6, 1864 Business skills praised in Maj. Smith report
NA, CS 5-6-64
May 7, 1864 Maj. Smith asks him to construct another warehouse at Junction
NA, CS 5-7-64
May 9, 1864 Requested by Maj. Smith to send 3 cars the Winnsboro for Commissary stores
NA, CS 5-9-64
May 10, 1864 Ordered to contract for an extension to a warehouse
May 11, 1864 Maj. Smith notes Sharp is short of rolling stock
NA, CS 5-11-64
May 13, 1864 Promises Maj. Smith to give precedence to Commissary stores at the Junction
NA, CS 5-13-64
May 16, 1864 Submits certificates of over age for Bailey and Marsh
NA, QMR 5-16A-64
May 31, 1864 Paid Transportation Agent
Paid for slave laborers
NA, RRB 5-31D-64
NA, RRB 5-31E-64
NA, RRB 5-31F-64
NA, RRB 5-31G-64
Ordered to forward certain records
Ordered to furnish transportation for lumber for hospital and Navy in Charlotte
NA, QM 5-31C-64
June 17, 1864 Issues schedule change for the Charlotte & South Carolina RR
June 27, 1864 Elected Major and Assistant Quarter Master of Columbia Local Defense Regiment of South Carolina State Troops
June 30, 1864 Paid for Quartermaster Department Transportation Agents, Clerk and Laborers
July 11, 1864 Sims forwards Sharp's dispatches regarding removing Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RR iron
July 30, 1864 Resigned as Major and Assistant Quarter Master of the Columbia Local Defense Regiment when the Quarter Master General determined that such a position would conflict with his Confederate Quarter Master position
July 31, 1864 Paid for Clerk, Agent and Laborers at Columbia, S. C.
Paid for Superintendent for erecting Junction warehouse
NA, RRB 7-31I-64
August 2, 1864 Paid Transportation Agent
NA, RRB 3-31P-64
August 8, 1864 Corrects horse account from 1862 return
August 9, 1864 Paid for slave Laborer
NA, RRB 8-9-64
August 11, 1864 Corrected a Locomotive Shop account from Columbia, SC
Clarified status of Wooldridge at Locomotive Shops in Raleigh
NA, RRB 8-11A-64
August 12, 1864 Employed certain men at Columbia, S. C.
NA, RRB 8-12-64
NA, RRB 8-15-64
August 18, 1864 Quarter Master General increased his control over Government transportation in Columbia, S. C.  
NA, QM 8-18-64
August 22, 1864 A Conscript assigned to Sharp
August 27, 1864 Asks for funds due Charlotte & North Carolina RR
NA, QMR 8-27-64
August 31, 1864 Pays for QM Transportation Agents and slave Laborers
September 1, 1864 Was replaced as Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina RR
September 13, 1864 Boxes were shipped care of him
September 15, 1864 Captain & Assistant Quarter Master, reports under General Order #71
NA, QM 9-15-64
September 16, 1864 Informed by Lt. Col. Sims that he was to perform the Railroad Bureau's business on the Charlotte & South Carolina RR and the Greenville & Columbia RR  
NA, QM 9-16-64
Paid for Transportation Office signs
NA, RRB 9-16-64
NA, RRB 9-22-64
Reports detailed men for whom he wants to purchase rations and gives names of civil employees for the same
NA, QMR 9-16-64
September 20, 1864 Asks for a man to be assigned to him temporarily
NA, QMR 9-20C-64
September 23, 1864 Report that he gave a voucher for tools used to remove Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RR
NA, ENGR 9-23-64
Had gas fixtures in office repaired
NA, RRB 9-23-64
September 24, 1864 Informed that the President will retain the car to Columbus, Ga.
September 28, 1864 Inspectors Report of Capt. Sharp's office states that he is engaged in no other business
NA, C&SC 9-28-64
September 30, 1864 Pays for QM Transportation Agents, clerk, laborers and travel
October 4, 1864 Colonel Burton's query forwarded to Sharp
October 7, 1864 Lt. Col. McLean recommends Sharp settle the accounts of the Greenville & Columbia RR
NA, QMR 10-7B-64
October 9, 1864 Sharp's Transportation Office located
NP, SC 10-9-64
October 20, 1864 Wood asks for permission for Sharp to spend more on changing stamps
NA, QMR 10-20C-64
October 25, 1864 Writes QM General regarding shipping government stores to locations without quartermasters
NA, QMR 10-25A-64
October 27, 1864 Sharp's transportation responsibilities reiterated by the Quarter Master General  
NA, QM 10-27-64
October 30, 1864 Sharp lists his employees
NA, RRB 10-30-64
NA, RRB 10-30A-64
October 31, 1864 Inspectors Report of Quarter Master Department at Columbia, S. C. gives Captain Thomas R. Sharp, Assistant Quarter Master, in charge of personnel, freight & local transportation
November 5, 1864 Writes QM General regarding RR transportation
NA, QMR 11-5-64
November 7, 1864 Directed to appoint a local agent to receive at some small South Carolina locations
November 14, 1864 Writes QM General regarding use of Bills of Lading and proposed to appoint 3 new agents
NA, QMR 11-14-64
November 31, 1864 Report facts about a forage agent
December 15, 1864 Asks for a foreign train to remove corn from Columbia
NA, QMR 12-15-64
December 24, 1864 Interacted with a Special Messenger
December 27, 1864 Sims recommends Sharp be allowed to write off 112 cars
NA, QMR 12-27-64
January 3, 1865 Told to arrange for 2 families to travel to Richmond
January 25, 1865 Sims answers question about weighing every shipment
January 27, 1865 Asks QM General for more wagons
NA, QMR 1-27-65
February 14, 1865 Sims proposes to cover Sharp's property returns
February 15, 1865 Captain & Assistant Quarter Master, Transportation Office, Columbia, S. C. Assisted in the evacuation of Columbia toward Charlotte
NP, CP 3-23-65
OR Series 2, Vol. 8,  Page 437
OR Series 1, Vol. 53, Page 1050
NP, RW 3-7A-65
NP, RDP 3-10-65
February 17, 1865 to March 21, 1865 Captain & Assistant Quarter Master in South Carolina, later in North Carolina, receiving orders from General Beauregard
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1210
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1221
D, RRB 3-1-65
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1448
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 3, Page 702
March 4, 1865 Engaged in widening the gauge of the North Carolina RR 
NA, RRB 2-20A-65
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1323
NP, MAP 3-6-65
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1425
D, R&G 3-18-65
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1437
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1440
D, RRB 3-20-65
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 2, Page 1449
March 30, 1865 Transportation Officer at Salisbury
April 2, 1865 Mentioned as Captain & Superintendent of railroads at Salisbury, N. C.
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 3, Page 744
April 8, 1865 Addressed as Captain & Quarter Master at Salisbury, N. C.
OR Series 1, Vol. 47, Part 3, Page 770
April 12, 1865 Gen. Stoneman captured Salisbury, in an attempt to release the POWs (previously) held there.
June 29, 1865 Loyalty Oath, taken at Salisbury
February 20, 1907 Wife's obituary
NP, GDN 2-23-1907
NP, RR 2-22-1907
