Confederate States of America
Quarter Master Genls dept |
Richmond Octo 17th 1861 |
Sir, |
I have received from Lieut Col Gorgas Chf
of Ordinance an application for a lot of car wheels, axles, draw bars,
and pig iron at Martinsburg. |
You will turn the same over to the
Ordinance department upon the order of Lieut Col Gorgas & Captain
F. P Clark at Winchester will provide as far as he can for the
transportation of the articles to Richmond. |
I am resp |
Your obdt Servt |
A C Myers |
Quarter Master Genl |
Mr. T. R. Sharp |
Martinsburg Va |
Care of Ordinance Dept Richmd |
Mr Sharp will please turn over this Iron &c to Mr
Magalis for delivery here. |
J Gorgas Lt Col |