NA, QM 12/9/1863

Quartermaster General's Department
Richmond, Dec 9th 1863
Capt. Thomas R. Sharp
Columbia, S. C.
   The attention of this bureau has been called to the fact that 787 bales of cotton, being 320,037 pounds of cotton were transported from Kingsville to Wilmington over the Wilmington & Manchester Road {approximately 21 carloads}; that this cotton was transported, as public property, by your order as an Assistant Quarter Master "on Government Locomotion & Cars"; that it was, in fact, private property; and that a similar order was given by your for its transportation over the South Carolina Rail Roads.
   It is also stated that the full local tariff for its transportation, over the Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road was paid by Colonel Blanton Duncan upon his being solicited to do so; and that the transportation order addressed to the South Carolina Rail Road is still outstanding as a charge against the Government.
   You are placed in possession of the foregoing abstract of the statements made in regard to this transaction that a full report may be made by you upon the subject, in all its details. This report you are requested to return to this office at the earliest time practicable.
   It appears from several papers signed by you, as Assistant Quarter Master, and others which bear your signature, as Superintendent of the Charlotte & South Carolina Rail Road, that you discharge the duties of both these positions. You are requested to report by what authority you have, while an Officer of this Department, acted in the latter capacity, and discharged duties of such distinct, if not irreconcilable character, as belong to these respective positions. 
A. R. Lawton, Q. M. Genl.
