NA, RRB 1/30A/1863

Office C. S. Locomotive Shop
Raleigh, N. C. Jan 30 '63
Col. A. C. Myers
QM Genl
Richmond Va.
   I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 24th inst., giving copy of Receipt signed by me in favor of James Waugh of Morgan County. The team was impressed by my direction under the order of Maj Gen T. J. Jackson, when on the march to Hancock & put in the train.
   A few days after, on the return from opposite Hancock, when at Bath, upon the application of Mr. Waugh's wife, I gave the receipt. I ascertained the value of the team from my own men, who had seen it, & was careful not to over value it, as I was informed by Mr. Waughs Brother in law, who Genl Jackson directed me to take as authority, that Mr Waugh had been extending some favors to the federal forces, who were occupying Bath, at the time Gen Jackson entered Morgan Co.
   The team was kept in my service for some time & from the information I now have was turned over with a number of other horses in May last to Capt W S Wood  AQM.
Very respfy
Your obdt Servt
Thos R.. Sharp
Capt & AQM
