NA, MG 1/31A/1862

The Confederate States Quartermasters Department

To The Manassas Gap Rail Road Co

1862 To Transportation as follows viz  {only railroad-related items transcribed}    
Jany 3 From T R Sharp    Strasburg    220 Bars RR Iron    66000 132 00
7     "    Capt Echols  Strasburg    110 RRd Bars        33000 66 00
      "    MGRRd        Mt Jackson   20 kegs spikes       2500 5 00
9     "    Capt Echols  Strasburg    220 RRd Bars        66000 132 00
16     "     Capt Echols  Strasburg     55 Rail Road Bars 16300 33 00
17     "    Capt Echols   Strasburg    215 Bars RR Iron   64500 129 00
18     "    Capt Echols   Strasburg    135 Rail Road Bars 40500 81 00
20     "    Capt Echols   Strasburg    120 RRd Bars         36000 72 00
      "    Capt Echols   Strasburg     120 RRd Bars        36000 {duplicate entry?} 72 00
21     "    Capt Echols   Strasburg     130 RRd Bars        39000 78 00
Feby 6     "    Capt Echols  Strasburg      135 RRd Bars        54000 108 00
  {The last 7 days of the month are missing. A July 1862 document says that 1732 bars were transported in January -- so 272 more were transported during the missing 7 days. This would account for the entire 4 miles (both tracks) that Capt. Sharp had been ordered to make available to Genl. Johnston in Strasburg. The bars weighed 350 pounds each, so the rail weighed 44 pounds per yard. This rail certainly made up the great majority of the Centreville RR.}    
