Orange & Alexandria

The road's charter was issued by Virginia in 1848; construction began in 1850 and was completed to Lynchburg in 1860. The road's purpose was to provide farmers an alternative to the expensive turnpikes in getting their crops to the port of Alexandria, Virginia.

With its line running from deep in southwestern Virginia to the Union capitol, the road was used by both sides, at the same time, for most of the war. The Lynchburg to Gordonsville section was crucial for Lee's support for the entire war. 

The Alexandria section of the road (22 miles of track, the company headquarters, main terminal, roundhouse, and shops) was confiscated by the Union May 24, 1861. The rest of the road set up a very under-equipped shop in Gordonsville until better shops could be completed in Lynchburg. Only 2 of the road's 16 locomotives were seized and neither was able to be made operable.

The road owned the track north of Gordonsville and south of Charlottesville. The track in between belonged to the Virginia Central Railroad.

Black's Number 3 (map) (Warrenton Branch, map)
Track 115 miles of 4 foot 8 inch gauge 51# rail of unknown type (at least some was T-rail)
Locomotives 16; 19 names
Cars 191
Stations 36
Officers Most
Tredegar Purchases All
Annual Reports
9-30-61 President
9-30-61 Superintendent
9-30-61 Examination Committee
9-30-62 President
9-30-62 Superintendent
9-30-62 Examination Committee
9-30-63 President
9-30-63 Superintendent
9-30-63 Examination Committee
Significant Documents
NP, AG 1-1-61
NP, AG 1-1A-61
NP, AG 1-1B-61
NP, AG 1-1F-61
NP, AG 1-2-61
NP, AG 1-3A-61
NP, AG 1-7-61
NP, AG 2-12-61
NP, AG 2-12A-61
NP, RD 2-13A-61
NP, AG 2-26A-61
NP, AG 3-19-61
NP, RD 3-23A-61
NP, AG 4-1-61
NP, AG 4-2A-61
NP, AG 4-5-61
NP, AG 4-11-61
NP, AG 4-14-61
NP, AG 4-29A-61
NA, VAF 5-1-61
NA, VAF 5-1A-61
NA, VAF 5-2-61
NP, AG 5-4A-61
NA, RR 5-11-61
OR Series 1, Vol. 51, Part 2, Page 99
NP, RD 5-27B-61
OR Series 1, Vol. 51, Part 2, Page 115
NP, WJ 5-27-61
NP, CM 5-29-61
NP, FO 5-30-61
NP, REX 5-31-61
NP, BE 6-4-61
NP, AS 6-5-61
NP, CW 6-6-61
NA, RRB 6-14-61
NA, QM 6-17-61
NA, QM 6-18D-61
NA, O&A 6-25-61
NA, QM 6-28-61
NA, QMR 6-29-61
NP, RD 6-29-61
NA, QMR 7-1-61
H, RR 7-5-61
NP, REX 7-5-61
NA, VAF 7-10-61
NA, QMR 7-12A-61
NA, QM 7-23-61
NP, REX 7-23-61
NA, QMR 7-25-61
NA, QMR 7-29B-61
NA, QM 8-13B-61
NA, QM 8-16-61
NP, REX 9-10-61
OR Series 1, Vol. 5, Page 872A
OR Series 1, Vol. 51, Part 2, Page 317
NP, RD 9-28B-61
NA, QMR 9-30-61
NA, QM 10-12A-61
NP, RD 10-17A-61
NP, RE 10-17-61
OR Series 1, Vol. 5,  Page 906
NA, ANV 10-29-63
NA, VC 10-29-61
NA, QM 11-2B-61
NA, QMR 11-5A-61
OR Series 1, Vol. 21, Page 1020
NA, QM 11-9A-61
NP, RD 11-12A-61
OR Series 1, Vol. 5, Page 953
NA, QM 11-27-61
NA, QM 11-27A-61
NA, QM 11-28-61
NA, O&A 11-30-61
NA, RR 12-1-61
NP, RE 12-3-61
NA, O&A 12-12-61
BA, RR 12-14-61
NP, RD 12-17A-61
NA, O&A 12-31-61
NP, RD 1-2-62
NA, QMR 1-5-62
NA, QMR 1-13-62
NP, RD 1-14-62
NP, MAP 1-15-62
NP, RD 1-18-62
NA, QM 1-18-62
NA, QM 1-20-62
NA, O&A 1-23-62
OR Series 1, Vol. 51, Part 2, Page 451
NA, MG 2-3-62
NP, RD 2-7A-62
NP, RD 2-8-62
AR, RF&P 2-19-62
VAA, RR 2-19-62
OR Series 1, Vol. 5,  Page 1088
NA, O&A 3-4-62
NP, RD 3-6-62
NP, RE 3-6-62
NA, QMR 3-9-62
NA, RRB 3-10-62
NP, CM 3-10-62
OR Series 1, Vol. 52, Part 2, Page 1073
OR Series 1, Vol. 51, Part 2, Page 504
NA, O&A 3-31-62
NA, RRB 3-31BZ-62
NA, RRB 3-31CG-62
NP, RD 4-7A-62
NA, RRB 4-30P-62
NA, RRB 4-30AD-62
NA, O&A 5-4-62
NA, RR 5-10-62
NA, QM 5-15-62
NP, RD 6-18-62
NP, LR 6-20-62
NA, SWT 7-14-62
NA, SWT 7-15B-62
NA, QMR 8-8-62
NA, QMR 9-4A-62
NA, O&A 9-5-62
NA, SWR 9-5-62
NP, RD 9-8-62
NA, QMR 9-10-62
OR Series 1, Vol. 19, Part 2, Page 605
NP, RD 9-18B-62
NP, MAP 9-26-62
OR Series 1, Vol. 19, Part 2, Page 637
NA, SWT 10-1-62
NA, QMR 10-3-62
NA, QMR 10-4-62
NP, CDR 10-8-62
NA, SWR 10-9-62
NA, SWT 10-10-62
NP, RD 10-11-62
NP, CW 10-13-62
NA, QMR 10-21-62
NA, QMR 10-27-62
NA, RR 10-31-62
NA, RR 11-3-62
NP, RD 11-8B-62
NP, RW 11-11-62
NA, QMR 11-18-62
NA, RR 11-30-62
NP, RD 12-12B-62
NP, LV 1-1B-63
OR Series 1, Vol. 21, Page 1096
NA, RR 1-30-63
NA, O&A 2-7-63
NA, O&A 2-7A-63
NA, QM 2-11A-63
NP, RD 2-19A-63
RRBA 2-20-1863
NA, QM 3-10-63
NA, ENGR 3-12A-63
NA, QM 3-25-63
OR Series 1, Vol. 25, Part 2, Page 715
NA, QM 4-14-63
OR Series 4, Vol. 2, Page 483
OR Series 4, Vol. 2, Page 487
NA, O&A 4-30-63
NP, RS 5-11-63
NP, RS 7-3-63
OR Series 1, Vol. 27, Part 3, Page 979
OR Series 1, Vol. 27, Part 3, Page 981
NP, RS 7-18-63
NA, QMR 8-20A-63
H, RRB 9-1-63
OR Series 1, Vol. 27, Part 3, Page 1024
H, RRB 9-5A-1863
NA, QMR 10-13I-63
OR Series 1, Vol. 29, Part 2, Page 794
NA, DSCGF 10-22-63
NA, DSCGF 10-22D-63
NA, QMR 10-23A-63
NA, QMR 10-26A-63
NA, ANV 10-28-63
NP, RS 10-28-63
NA, ENG 10-29-63
NA, ENGR 10-29-63
NA, QMR 10-29-63
NP, R 10-29-63
NP, RV 10-30-63
NA, ENG 11-2-63
NP, CC 11-4-63
OR Series 1, Vol. 29, Part 2, Page 823
NA, DSCGF 11-7-63
NP, RS 11-16-63
NA, SWR 11-24-63
NA, O&A 11-28-63
NA, O&A 11-28A-63
NP, RS 12-14-63
NA, QMR 12-28A-63
NA, QMR 12-30-63
NA, QMR 12-31A-63
NA, O&A X-X-63
NA, QM 1-5B-64
NP, RW 1-6-64
NA, ENG 1-12-64
NA, ENGR 1-14-64
NA, ENG 1-18A-64
NA, SWT 1-23-64
NA, VC 2-1-64
NA, RR 2-11-64
NA, QMR 3-2E-64
NP, RS 3-25-64
NA, QMR 3-29-64
OR Series 1, Vol. 32, Part 3, Page 772
NA, ENG 4-18-64
OR Series 1, Vol. 37, Part 1, Page 762
OR Series 1, Vol. 37, Part 1, Page 763
OR Series 1, Vol. 37, Part 1, Page 763A
NA, QM 6-14-64
NP, AC 6-18A-64
NA, QMR 6-20A-64
NP, MAR 6-22-64
NA, QM 7-16-64
NA, ENG 7-19-64
NA, ENGR 7-19A-64
NA, ENG 7-21E-64
NA, ENG 7-21F-64
NA, ENG 7-24A-64
NA, ENG 7-24B-64
NA, QMR 7-25-64
NA, ENG 7-26B-64
NA, ENG 7-26G-64
NA, QM 7-29-64
NP, LV 8-3-64
NA, QMR 8-5-64
NA, ENG 8-9-64
NA, ENG 8-12B-64
NA, QMR 8-12-64
NP, LV 9-1-64
NA, RRB 9-15A-64
NP, LV 9-17-64
NP, RD 9-21-64
NP, LV 9-22-64
NA, QMR 10-31-64
NP, RS 11-5C-64
NA, ENGR 11-10A-64
NA, ENGR 11-14-64
NP, RS 12-1A-64
NP, LV 12-12-64
NA, AIG 1-19-65
NA, RRB 1-23A-65
NA, RRB 1-30I-65
NA, RRB 2-7G-65
NA, RRB 2-10B-65
NA, RRB 2-13A-65
NP, LV 3-17-65
NP, RCF 3-21-65
NP, RW 3-21-65
OR Series 1, Vol. 36, Part 1, Page 1054
NA, AIG 3-30A-65
NP, SV 3-31-65
OR Series 3, Vol. 5,  Page 974
