Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia |
November 6, 1863 |
John S. Barbour, Esq. |
Pres. Orange & Alexandria Railroad,
Lynchburg, Va. |
The enemy were in possession
of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad as far as the Rapidan River,
and by certain movements of this army, beginning on the 8th of
October, they were driven beyond Bull Run. In their retreat, they
destroyed the bridge over the Rappahannock and rendered the road
useless to our army north of the river. For reasons of a military
nature, I ordered the destruction of the road from Cub Run beyond
Broad to the Rappahannock, which was accordingly done. The enemy
advanced when we retired, and I learn have repaired the road to
Warrenton Junction, and are continuing to repair it in the direction
of Rappahannock.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
R. E. Lee