There is no biography of
Major Hottel in the National Archives service
records. Below is my biography of the man
Jarred M. Hottel
(frequently "Hottle") was born in about 1828. All
Confederate records show him as being 32 years old in 1861 and from Texas.
The 1859 Cherokee County (120 miles due east of Waco) tax records
show Hottel the owner of one horse, no land and no slaves. The 1860 census
shows a J. Hottle, 35 years old with wife and one 10-year old son living in
Lynchburg, Tex., 20 miles east of Houston, on the line of the Texas
& New Orleans RR. His occupation is Engineer and all his family
was born in Virginia. The name is added at the bottom of the last
page for the Lynchburg Post Office and is short of any but the most
basic information (as though it was added later, without talking to
the family involved). Since all these "facts" are in
general agreement with the known information, I believe this to be
the future Major.
Hottel joined Terry's
Texas Rangers as a Sergeant, in Houston (having traveled 35 miles to
get there) in September1861. His unit became Company K of the 8th
Texas Cavalry Regiment. The regiment was assigned to Bowling Green,
Ky., arriving in early October.
In late October, 1861, he was
detailed to the Quartermaster's department as Forage Master. In
January of 1862, he was detailed on Rail Road duty at Bowling Green.
By October of 1862, he was employed in the Commissary Department. He
became the Brigade Assistant Commissary and was promoted to Captain
on May 28, 1863 and was promoted to Brigade Quartermaster September
18, 1863. His date of commission as Major was October 28, 1863, with
a date of rank of September 18, 1863.
According to Commissary General
Northrop, while at Bowling Green, Hottel ran locomotives and
repaired them. Northrop also claims he superintended the railroads,
controlling transportation for Gen. Johnston's army and was
generally successful. Northrop says Hottel was reporting to both
Northrop and Col. Wadley (for railroad matters).
Hottel liked to maintain
face-to-face relations with the people he was doing business with.
From July, 1863 through April, 1864, we have his travel claims for
five months, which is 21 weeks. During that time, he made 21 round
trips from his base (Mobile or Atlanta) and important locations. The
trips took him to Mobile, Montgomery, Morton, Meridian, Atlanta,
Augusta, Macon, and Dalton (and he must certainly have spent time in
important places along the way, such as West Point while going from
Atlanta to Montgomery).
Hottel died of disease on
September 10, 1865 in Rose Hill, Tex., 30 miles north of Houston.
October 31, 1862 |
Pay record, showing assignment to RR duties at
Bowling Green in January, 1862
November 4, 1862 |
Received expense money for special messenger
shipping sugar
December 17, 1862 |
Paid for duty as special agent over sugar
January 28, 1863 |
Completes 86 days as special messenger for sugar
February 10, 1863 |
Wadley asks Secretary of War for Hottel to
expedite government traffic from Columbia to Richmond
February 13, 1863 |
Wadley was told to use him as Wadley saw fit
March 28, 1863 |
Reports on transportation of Commissary goods
and recommends an improvement
April 1, 1863 |
Pays for special agent for Government sugar and
April 9, 1863 |
Asks about transportation for contributions
May 2, 1863 |
Northrop requests Secretary of War appoint
Hottel a Commissary Captain
May 30, 1863 |
An application from
him is forwarded by Commissary General to QM General
June 4, 1863 |
Sims requests Hottel
be paid mileage
June 8, 1863 |
Reports on a RR's
use of its rolling stock for others when Government food sits
waiting transportation
June 10, 1863 |
Sims asks for
assistance for his agent in securing rolling stock; Hottel is named
June 12, 1863 |
Secretary of War
asks why Maj. Pierce has ordered Hottel away from Raleigh
June 13, 1863 |
Mileage confirmed
June 18, 1863 |
Sims instructs him
to supply cars for Bragg and asks when Hottel will get to Richmond
Told to go by
Knoxville and discuss corn requirements
June 22, 1863 |
Secretary of War
sends a letter of Hottel's to QM General regarding transportation of
food at Raleigh
June 24, 1863 |
Hottel's authority
to remove rolling stock is defined
July 20, 1863 |
Sims and Hottel to
meet in Montgomery
July 30, 1863 |
While in Mobile,
arranges for support in moving rolling stock
July 31, 1863 |
Pays conductor for
one month's services
August 1, 1863 |
Was issued a skiff
and a chain cable
Paid for services
and hands moving rolling stock
August 6, 1863 |
Is told by Sims to
visit the site, figure the requirements, then telegraph Sims how
many cars and engines can be saved
August 11, 1863 |
Instructed to meet
Sims in Atlanta
August 24, 1863 |
Informs Sims that
the RR companies will superintend the work force necessary to do the
construction required to retrieve
the rolling stock in Mississippi
August 27, 1863 |
General asks negroes be impressed to help Hottel get the RR
connection in Montgomery completed
September 9, 1863 |
Hottel paid for
expenses in August
September 14, 1863 |
connection will be completed next week. Asks disposition of Memphis
& Ohio RR rolling stock
18, 1863 |
Requested that
Hottel not deliver engines in law suit
Request promotion to
Told to have Jones at
the meeting
September 30, 1863 |
His travel retrieving
rolling stock
October 3, 1863 |
Seven slaves ordered
for his use for ten days
October 13, 1863 |
Request for Hottel
to issue a locomotive
October 29, 1863 |
Reports to Sims that
he has not got the engines from Selma
November 2, 1863 |
Reported as a QM,
but not bonded
November 22, 1863 |
Ordered to Atlanta
to take over Major Peters duties
December 2, 1863 |
Beauregard asks Gov.
Brown to impress 900 to report to Hottel to repair western Georgia
December 6, 1863 |
Arrives in Atlanta
December 8, 1863 |
If Major Peters
remains in Atlanta, can Hottel go see his family
December 9, 1863 |
Reports an idle
locomotive to Sims
December 10, 1863 |
Listed as one of
three officers available to supervise RR transportation to Hardee
December 15, 1863 |
General tells Hottel to take charge of transportation and push the
roads to see that the wants of the Army are supplied
January 13, 1864 |
General states that Hottel accomplishes all that can be done
January 21, 1864 |
General defends Hottel's assignment to Atlanta
January 1 - February
1, 1864 |
On constant travel
in mid-South
February 6, 1864 |
Receives instruction
from Sims to aid in shipping of corn and fodder
February 10, 1864 |
Hottel reports that
bountiful supplies are going to Army of Tennessee
Report of cars being
returned to Western & Atlantic RR
Requested to ship
slate to Macon
February 11, 1864 |
Moving cars from
Mississippi through Mobile
February 14, 1864 |
G. A. Cuyler ordered
to report resolution of Columbus problems to Hottel
22, 1864 |
In Montgomery;
Goodwin telegraphs from Atlanta
Orders man to look
for cars for Richmond & Danville/Piedmont RR
February 23, 1864 |
Requests use of a
barge to move rolling stock at Mobile
February 29, 1864 |
Rolling stock he got
across Mobile Bay is reported at new companies
Arrangements for
shipping slate
His location and
actions questioned
March 2, 1864 |
Directs chains be
sent by Express Car for movement of cars across Mobile Bay
March 15, 1864 |
Recommends Capt.
Firzzell for RR Bureau in Atlanta and Hottel to Montgomery
March 24, 1864 |
Requests a detail
for Western & Atlantic RR
March 30, 1864 |
Is informed of rule
suspending passenger trains when Government freight waits to be
March 31, 1864 |
General questions status of transportation to Army of Tennessee
April 4, 1864 |
Reports to Sims on
corn availability and car construction
April 7, 1864 |
Responded to Col.
Burton's requests; encloses letter from Sims
April 20, 1864 |
Requests one man
over another
Quoted as being able
to furnish cars for Macon Armory slate whenever requested
April 29, 1864 |
Reports heavy losses
on Western & Atlantic RR trains
April ?, 1864 |
His vouchers for
transporting rolling stock from Tensas to Pollard
May 17, 1864 |
His services
requested, but refused
June 21, 1864 |
Sims reports to QMG
on disposition to be made of Hottel
June 28, 1864 |
Secretary of Navy
approves of him going to Raleigh to get engine for Montgomery & West
Point RR
July 8, 1864 |
QMG informs him that
2 engines are available and to get them
July x, 1864 |
Repaired the
Montgomery & West Point RR
August 1, 1864 |
Reports his actions
clearing Atlanta and repairing the Montgomery & West Point RR
August 26, 1864 |
Reports on repairs
to Montgomery & West Point RR
October 15, 1864 |
Maj. Smith reports
Hottel assisted getting daily cars for commissary shipments
October 22, 1864 |
Accompanies Major
Smith and Col. Sims from Columbus to Montgomery. Was credited as
being in charge of RR transportation from Augusta to Montgomery
December 9, 1864 |
Order issued by him
questioned by Conscription Bureau
December 18, 1864 |
Hottel and Major
Meriwether were repairing Georgia RRs under different orders
December 20, 1864 |
Recommends Nalle be
appointed RR Bureau Bonded Agent
December 28, 1864 |
General informs General Beauregard of Hottel's orders in repairing
the Georgia RRs
January 3, 1865 |
Newspaper reports a
visit by Hottel and the status of the RR repairs
January 16, 1865 |
Nalle appointed
Bonded Agent and assigned to Hottel at Columbus, Ga.
January 20, 1865 |
Sims instructs him
regarding slave exemptions
January 28, 1865 |
General Beauregard
request Capt. Hottel to finish Milledgeville RR
January 30, 1865 |
Ordered to inspect
cars made by Raoul and certify them
February 1, 1865 |
Ordered by Sims to
get locomotives from the west side of the Pearl River and repair
February 6, 1865 |
Hottel's speed of RR
repair is noted
March 4, 1865 |
Beauregard informed
that Hottel's repair force has been sent to work east of Atlanta
March 7, 1865 |
Newspaper credits
Hottel's indomitable energy with connecting Atlanta to West Point
after Sherman's destruction
March 27, 1865 |
Reported that his
force had been disbanded, instead of working on other RR repairs
March x, 1865 |
Ordered to take
control of Montgomery & West Point RR as far as necessary to ensure
government gets all the cars it needs