NA, RRB 6/10/1863

Confederate States of America
Adjutant General's Department
Rail Road Bureau Richmond June 10th 1863
Genl. S. Cooper
A. & I. General
Richmond Va
   In the moving of some cars and an engine across the river at Mobile, which I am about to undertake, it is necessary to have some aid from the Quartermaster's Department in the shape of labor. Will you please arrange for me to have such facilities from this Department as the necessities of the case require.
I remain General
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
F. W. Sims
Capt & A. A. G.
{on reverse of letter} Rail Road Bureau
S. 12th              5a
Capt. F. W. Sims. A. A. G.
Richmond. June 10th/63
Asking that the Quartermaster Department at Mobile be instructed to aid him in getting rail road cars and an engine across the Selma river.
Respectfully submitted to the Secretary of War.
By order of Saml. W. Melton
Maj. & A. A. G.
A. A. G. O.
June 10/63
Qr. Mr Genl, Give the requested instruction for the aid asked
J. A. S.
10th June 1863          Secretary
Reca. A. & I. G. D.    June 10/63
310)      Qr. Mr. Genl's Office
Richmond. June 10/63
Refd to Major Thos. M. LeBaron Qr. Master at Mobile, who, at the application of Capt Sims or his agent will provide the assistance called for within.
By order of the Q. M. Genl.
Wm B. B. Cross
Major & Qr. Master
Major Thos. M. LeBaron will please give the assistance to Capt Hottel.
F. W. Sims
Capt & A. A. G.
