Essays & Documents

The following Essays and document transcriptions cover various aspects of Southern Civil War railroading.
Subject Number of Pages Date Added Latest Update
Confederate Rolling Stock
1 2/24/02 8/19/23
Confederate Track
31 2/24/02 9/24/17
To Build a Mile of Southern Track
1 3/27/02 8/9/03
Builders of Confederate Locomotives
2 4/25/02 7/29/03
Specification for the General
1 4/27/02 10/11/02
Captured Union Locomotives
1 5/14/02 6/5/24
City Rail Gaps
1 9/11/02 5/15/21
Confederate Railroad Finances
1 10/16/02 4/27/03
Virginia & Tennessee Railroad Shipments
4 10/17/02 6/17/03
Specification for the James S. Corry
1 11/16/02 11/17/02
Freight Classifications
1 11/29/02 7/21/03
Disruption of Normal Trade to Charleston
1 5/9/03 5/18/03
Employment Patterns at Various 
Confederate Railroads
10 5/24/03 8/6/23
Locomotive Usage
38 6/12/03 4/25/04
Memphis & Charleston War Losses
1 6/17/03 6/17/03
Substituting Food for Cotton
2 6/25/03 7/14/03
Supplies Brought Through the Blockade
101 6/30/03 8/31/24
Track Maintenance & Repair
3 7/2/03 8/9/03
Locomotive Material Requirements
1 7/2/03 7/2/03
Tredegar Sales to Railroads
1 7/2/03 7/2/03
Tredegar Sales to Railroads 1864
1 7/2/03 7/2/03
Track Repair Requirements
4 7/13/03 7/13/03
Freight Package Weights
1 7/14/03 8/11/24
Cost of Rolling Stock
1 7/20/03 8/9/03
Slavery and Confederate Railroads
11 7/20/03 4/27/21
Confederate Railroad List
1 8/10/03 1/9/24

Confederate Railroad Documents

1861 January, February, March, April, May, June
July, August, September
October, November, December
1862 January, February, March
April, May, June
July, August, September
October, November, December
1863 January, February, March
April, May, June
July, August, September
October, November, December
1864 January, February, March
April, May, June
July, August, September
October, November, December
1865 January - May


8/22/03 12/18/24
Freight Way Bills
1 1/10/04 7/22/10
Index of Confederate Railroad Presidents
1 2/20/04 1/9/24
Index of Confederate Railroad Superintendents
1 2/21/04 11/24/18
Tredegar Railroad Contracts
1 4/11/04 4/11/04
Biographies of Confederate Railroaders
75 6/5/04 12/3/24
Confederate Uses of the Railroads
1 6/5/04 4/2/22
1 6/26/04 5/3/20
Annual Reports
1 7/17/04 1/8/10
Tredegar Sales to Individual Railroads in 1862 
1 8/13/04 12/31/06
Tredegar Purchases by Railroad
1 4/3/05 2/18/06
Other Purchases From Tredegar
1 5/27/05 8/31/06
Confederate Military Railroads
1 8/12/05 5/5/24
Confederate Railroad Construction Plans
1 9/8/05 10/5/24
Railroad Bureau Tredegar Purchases
1 12/31/05 12/31/06
Engineer Bureau Tredegar Purchases
1 12/31/05 2/18/06
Non-Railroad Tredegar Purchases
1 12/31/05 2/18/06
Femantle's Trip on Confederate Railroads
1 1/20/06 1/20/06
Confederate Railroad Accidents  1861
5 1/29/06 7/9/24
Research Questions on Confederate Railroads
1 2/18/06 10/15/24
Confederate Railroad Rails and Navy Armor
1 6/30/06 2/15/15
Military Exemption Form
1 1/1/07 1/1/07
The Effort Required to Support Andersonville
1 2/16/07 2/16/07
Confederate Rolling Stock Inventory
1 3/15/07 1/28/24
Railroad Time
1 9/14/07 9/14/07
Express and Freight
1 1/1/08 1/1/08
Cotton Through the Blockade
1 2/7/08 2/7/08
Atlanta Artillery Traffic
1 5/4/08 5/4/08
1 8/22/08 9/10/21
Post-Raid Repairs
1 11/30/08 11/30/08
Confederate Railroads on Wikipedia
1 5/4/09 3/29/11
Pvt. Belue's Trips on Confederate Railroads
1 9/20/09 9/20/09
4 12/9/09 7/27/23
Calendars 1861
5 1/25/09 1/25/09
Soldier's Ticket 1 7/22/10 7/22/10
Freight Receipt 1 9/2/10 9/2/10
Robert Black Obituary 1 10/21/10 10/21/10
Jackson and the Locomotive Haul 525 10/23/10 9/25/24
Jackson and the Earlier Locomotive Haul 8 12/12/10 12/13/14
Jackson and the Locomotive Haul -- Whose Idea? 6 12/12/10 7/31/12
Confederate Rolling Stock Production 1 12/30/10 12/23/24
The Merrimac and the Railroad 1 1/22/11 2/1/19
Did Sharp Build the Centreville Railroad? 1 6/2/11 5/7/12
Late War Shipping 12 6/28/11 6/28/11
Jefferson Davis' Escape Locomotive 1 5/12/12 1/25/15
Railroad Transportation of Commissary Stores 1 5/16/12 5/16/12
Union Documents on Confederate Railroads 1861-5 95 5/27/12 12/15/24
Stolen and Missing Confederate Documents 1 7/15/12 3/21/21
Significant Events in the Life of the Confederate Railroads 1 8/26/12 12/24/20
Sabotage and Loss of a Railroad's Steamboat 1 1/19/13 1/19/13
Atlanta Armor Shipping Impact 1 7/28/13 7/28/13
C. S. S. Virginia Armor Shipping Impact 1 8/2/13 7/6/16
Railroad Exemptions in Virginia 1864 1 12/13/13 12/13/13
Rules for Auditing Railroad Accounts 1 12/28/13 12/28/13
Sample Raleigh Shipments 1 2/21/14 2/21/14
Confederate Railroad Bureau Telegrams 1 1/13/15 1/8/24
Mobile Iron Wharfage 1 10/11/15 10/11/15
Food Shipments to Portsmouth 1 4/8/17 4/9/17
Major Smith's Commissary Reports 39 4/9/17 4/25/17
Outfitting A New Railroad 1 11/14/17 11/14/17
Confederate Transportation Agents 38 2/3/18 10/1/22
Confederate  Railroad Conventions 1 6/25/18 5/5/24
The Four Railroad Zones 1 2/12/19 2/12/19
Richmond Grain Receipts and Shipments 1 10/24/19 12/6/19
Transporting Artillery on Trains 1 3/8/20 3/8/20
Specification For B&O 33, 34 & 83 1 4/11/20 4/11/20
Specifications For B&O 50 1 4/11/20 4/11/20
Specifications For B&O 126 1 4/11/20 4/11/20
Specifications For B&O 188, 231 & 235 1 4/11/20 4/11/20
Specifications For B&O 199 & 204 1 4/11/20 4/11/20
Specifications For B&O 208 1 4/11/20 4/11/20
Specifications For B&O 225 & 226 1 4/11/20 4/11/20
Confederate Rail Removals 1 11/21/20 10/16/24
Requirements to Run A Railroad 1 11/28/20 11/28/20
Transportation Invoice 1 1/18/21 1/18/21
Fodder Shipments for One Month 1 1/23/21 1/23/21
CSN Coal Shipments 1 2/17/21 2/17/21
The Construction of the Piedmont Railroad 1 3/7/21 3/7/21
Confederate Rails and Rolling Stock 1 3/30/21 12/13/22
The Construction of the Selma & Meridian Railroad 1 4/4/21 4/4/21
The Construction of the Blue Mountain Railroad 1 4/7/21 4/7/21
The Construction of the Montgomery & Columbus Railroad 1 4/8/21 4/8/21
The Construction of the Columbia & Augusta Railroad 1 4/11/21 1/8/22
The Construction of the Chatham Railroad 1 4/13/21 4/13/21
The Construction of the Lawton & Live Oak Railroad 1 4/15/21 4/15/21
The Construction of the Western Railroad of Alabama 1 4/15/21 4/15/21
The Construction of Other Confederate Railroads 1 4/17/21 4/17/21
Closing City Rail Gaps 1 5/15/21 3/17/23
Tredegar Locomotives Produced 1 6/10/21 1/9/24
Confederate Railroad Laws 1 7/22/21 7/22/21
In Relation to the Iron Business in Alabama 1 8/7/21 8/7/21
Locomotive Haul Drawing 1 9/17/21 9/17/21
Elements of a New Railroad 1 12/15/22 12/15/22
Virginia Central Freight Related to Sharp & B&O 1861 - 1862 1 3/5/23 3/5/23
Agent Obtaining Coal in Chattanooga 1 2/17/24 2/14/24
Lee's Land Ironclad 1 5/25/24 5/25/24
Importing Railroads Rails and Rolling Stock 1 6/12/24 6/12/24
Transportation Request 1 6/14/24 6/14/24
Transfer of Army of Tennessee to East, 1865 1 7/3/24 7/20/24
Missing Railroad Telegrams 1 8/22/24 8/22/24
Confederate  Railroad Bureau Chiefs' Travels 1 11/23/24 11/23/24
Government Control of Confederate Railroads 1 12/23/24 12/23/24
