Classifications, Rates & Division of Rates To Take Effect on Southern Railroads January 1, 1862 Prepared by Campbell Wallace President East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad |
Spirits Turpentine, Camphene,
Burning Fluid and Varnish, will only be transported at owner's risk.
Gunpowder, and other combustibles, will be at local rates of each Road, and at Road's convenience. |
Ale and Porter, in glass | 1 | Lemons, in boxes, canvassed | 1 |
Ale, in wood | 3 | Lightning Rods, in bundles | 3 |
Alum, in bbls and bhds | 3 | Lime, in casks | 5 |
Antimony, crude | 2 | Lithographing Stones, owner's risk | 2-1 |
Anvils | 4 | Liquorice | 2 |
Apples, dried | 3 | Liquors, in glasses | 1 |
Apples, green, in barrels | 2 | Liquors, in wood | 1 |
Axes | 3 | Locomotives, loaded on cars | 5 |
Locomotive Tire | 4 | ||
Bacon | 2 | Looking Glasses, boxed | 2-1 |
Bags | 2 | ||
Bagging | 2 | Machinery, boxed | 2 |
Baking Powders | 2 | Madder, in hhds | 3 |
Bark and Cob Mills | 3 | Mahogany Logs | 4 |
Bath Tub | 1 | Mahogany Boards and Planks | 2 |
Bath Bricks, in bbls | 4 | Manila | 3 |
Bellows, smiths' | 1 | Marble, in block, undressed | 4 |
Beef and Pork, in bbls, estimated at 100 lbs | 2 | Marble, dressed, owner's risk | 1 |
Beer, in wood | 3 | Marble Slabs, unwrought, owner's risk | 2 |
Beeswax | 2 | Mats and Rugs | 1 |
Beets, in bbls | 1 | Mattresses | 1 |
Berries | 2 | Measures and Tubs | 1 |
Billiard Tables | 2-1 | Medicines | 1 |
Black Lead, in bbls | 3 | Mill Gearing | 3 |
Bleaching Salts | 4 | Mill Stones, in rough | 4 |
Blinds | 2 | Mill Stones, finished | 3 |
Boiler Flues | 3 | Mineral Water, in glass | 1 |
Bones | 3 | Molasses | 2 |
Bonnets | 2-1 | Moss, pressed in bales | 3 |
Borax, in bbls and boxes | 3 | Mouldings and Picture Frames | 2-1 |
Bottles, packed | 2 | Musical Instruments | 1 |
Books | 1 | Muskets | 2 |
Boots | 1 | ||
Brass and Copper Vessels | 1 | Nuts, in bags | 1 |
Bread | 1 | Nuts, in barrels and casks | 2 |
Brimstone, in bbls and bhds | 4 | Nails, in bags | 3 |
Brinstone, in boxes and kegs | 2 | Nails and Nail Rods | 3 |
Broom Corn, pressed | 1 | ||
Brushes and Brooms | 1 | Oakum | 2 |
Buffalo Robes | 1 | Oil, in glass | 1 |
Burr Blocks, rough | 4 | Oil, in hhds and bbls | 1 |
Burlaps | 2 | Oil Cake | 5 |
Burning Fluid, owner's risk of leakage | 1 | Oil Cloth, boxed | 2 |
Burial Cases | 1 | Onions, in bbls | 2 |
Butter | 1 | Oranges, boxed, not canvassed | 2-1 |
Oranges, boxed and canvassed | 1 | ||
Cabinet-ware, set up and boxed | 2-1 | Oysters, in kegs and cans | 1 |
Cabinet-ware, knocked down and boxed | 1 | Oysters and Clams, in shell, pre-paid | 3 |
Caloric Engines | 2 | ||
Camphene, owners' risk of leakage | 1 | Paints, in boxes and cans | 2 |
Candles | 2 | Paints, dry and in oil | 3 |
Caps | 2-1 | Paintings and Pictures, well boxed | 2-1 |
Capstans | 2 | Palm Leaf | 1 |
Carboys acids and other chemicals | 2-1 | Palm Leaf, pressed | 2 |
Cards | 1 | Palm Oil | 1 |
Carriages, well boxed | 1 1/2-1 | Paper, in boxes | 2 |
Carriages, unboxed -- local charge of each Road | Paper Hangings, not boxed | 2-1 | |
Carriage Springs, Boxes and Axles | 2 | Paper Hangings, boxed | 2 |
Carpeting | 1 | Pasteboards | 3 |
Car Springs, boxed | 4 | Peaches, dried | 3 |
Car Wheels and Axles | 4 | Peltries | 1 |
Cassia, in mats, bags and boxes | 1 | Pepper | 2 |
Cement | 5 | Piano Fortes | 1 |
Chains, loose | 3 | Pickles, in glass, owner's risk | 1 |
Chain Cables and Chains in casks | 4 | Pickles, in bbls | 4 |
Chairs, boxed | 2-1 | Picture Frames, boxed | 1 |
Chairs, split and wooden bottom | 1 | Pipes | 2 |
Chair Stuff, rough | 2 | Pitch | 4 |
Chalk | 4 | Plaster | 5 |
China Ware, in casks and boxes | 1 | Pork and Beef, in bbls, estimated at 300 lbs to bbl | 2 |
Cheese, in boxes and casks | 1 | Porter and Ale, in glass | 1 |
Cider, in bbls and hhds | 2 | Potatoes, in bbls | 2 |
Cigars, boxed and stripped | 1 | Preserves, in glass, owner's risk | 1 |
Clay | 4 | Printers' Ink, in kegs and bbls | 2 |
Clocks | 1 | Printing Presses | 1 |
Clock Weights | 3 | Printing Paper | 3 |
Clover and Grass Seeds | 1 | Prunes, in casks | 2 |
Cob and Bark Mills | 3 | Pumice Stone, in casks | 3 |
Cocoa and other Matting | 1 | Putty | 4 |
Cocoa Oil | 1 | ||
Cocoa and Chocolate | 2 | Quicksilver, in iron flasks | 1 |
Cod Fish, in tierces and boxes | 2 | ||
Coffee and Chickory | 1 | Rags, in sacks | 2 |
Coffee, Ground, in boxes and barrels | 1 | Rags, pressed in bales | 4 |
Confectionery | 1 | Railroad Chairs and Spikes | 4 |
Copper and Brass Vessels | 1 | Raisins, strapped | 1 |
Copper Bottoms | 2 | Rattan | 1 |
Copper Plates, sheets, bolts, pigs, wire, and rod | 2 | Refrigerators | 1 |
Copying Presses | 2 | Rice | 3 |
Corks | 1 1/2-1 | Rigging | 4 |
Cotton, compressed | 4 | Rope | 2 |
Cotton, uncompressed | 3 | Rosin | 4 |
Cotton Gins | 1 | Rubber Belting | 3 |
Cotton Waste | 3 | Rubber Car Springs, loose | 2 |
Cotton Yarn | 2 | Rubber Car Springs, in boxes, casks, and bundles | 3 |
Covers | 1 | Rubber Packing and Hose | 2 |
Crockery, in boxes and bbls | 1 | Russia Bristles | 1 |
Crockery, in crates | 2 | ||
Crucibles | 2 | Saddlery | 1 |
Currants, dried | 1 | Saleratus, in boxes | 2 |
Cutlery | 1 | Saleratus, in kegs, bbls, and casks | 3 |
Salt | 5 | ||
Dates, in frails | 1 | Saltpetre | 2 |
Demijohns, owner's risk | 2-1 | Sardines, in boxes | 2 |
Deer Skins, pressed | 2 | Scales and Scale Beams, boxed | 2 |
Drugs, in bales and boxes | 1 | Scales and Scale Beams, not boxed | 1 |
Drugs, in casks | 2 | Scythes, in boxes and bundles | 3 |
Dry Goods, in boxes, bales & trunks | 1 | Scythe Snaths | 1 |
Duck | 2 | Sieves | 2-1 |
Dye Woods, in bags and bbls | 2 | Sewing Machines, boxed | 1 |
Dye Wood, in stick | 3 | Sewing Machines, unboxed | 2-1 |
Sheep and other Skins, in bales | 2 | ||
Earth Paints | 3 | Shingle and Hemp Machines | 1 |
Earthen and Stone Ware, in crates and hhds | 3 | Shoes | 1 |
Eggs, packed | 1 | Shoe Blacking, in barrels | 3 |
Epsom Salts, in barrels | 2 | Shoe Pegs, in barrels | 2 |
Shot, in bags | 2 | ||
Farm Wagons, in pieces | 1 | Shot, in kegs | 3 |
Feathers | 1 | Shovels and Spades | 2 |
Fence Wire | 3 | Sizing | 1 |
Figs, in casks and boxes | 2 | Sleighs, boxed | 2-1 |
Figs, in drums | 1 | Snuff, in jars, unboxed | 1 |
Fire Crackers and Fire Works | 2-1 | Snuff, in barrels and boxes | 2 |
Fish, fresh, pre-paid | 1 | Soap, Fancy | 2 |
Fish, salted, in bbls and half-bbls | 3 | Soap, common | 3 |
Fish, salted, in kegs and kits | 2 | Soda, in kegs, bbls, and casks | 3 |
Flax, boxed | 2 | Soda, in boxes | 2 |
Flax Seed | 1 | Soda Ash | 3 |
Flour, in barrels, estimated at 200 lbs each | 5 | Saltpeter | 3 |
Flour, in sacks, estimated at 100 lbs each | 3 | Spices | 2 |
Forks, hay and manure | 2 | Spikes | 4 |
Friction Matches | 2-1 | Spirits Turpentine | 1 |
Furniture, set up and boxed | 2-1 | Starch | 2 |
Furniture, knocked down and boxed | 1 | Stationery | 1 |
Furs | 1 | Steam Boilers, 30 feet and under | 2 |
Steam Boilers, over 30 feet | 1 | ||
Garden Seeds | 1 | Steel, Cast | 2 |
Gas Pipe | 3 | Steel, other than Cast Steel | 3 |
Gas Fixtures, boxed | 2 | Stone, unwrought | 4 |
Ginger | 2 | Stoves, at owner's risk | 1 |
Glass Plate | 2-1 | Stove Blacking | 2 |
Glass Ware and Window Glass | 1 | Stove Pipe and Stove Furniture | 1 |
Glue | 2 | Stove Plates, at owner's risk | 1 |
Grapes, in kegs | 1 | Sugar, in hhds | 3 |
Grass Seed | 1 | Sugar, in bbls and boxes | 2 |
Grindstones | 3 | Sumac | 4 |
Groceries, assorted | 2 | ||
Ground Peas | 2 | Tallow | 3 |
Guano | 5 | Tar | 4 |
Gum Copal | 2 | Tea | 1 |
Gum Shellac | 2 | Telegraph Wire | 4 |
Guns, Rifles, and other Fire-arms, boxed | 2 | Terre Japonica | 3 |
Gunny Bags, in bales | 2 | Tin, in pigs | 3 |
Tin Plate, boxed | 2 | ||
Hair, pressed | 2 | Tin Ware, boxed | 1 |
Hair, in sacks | 1 | Tobacco, in bales | 2 |
Hats | 2-1 | Tobacco, cut, in bbls and boxes | 2 |
Hardware | 2 | Tobacco, in boxes and kegs | 2 |
Hay, in bales, less than a car load | 3 | Tobacco, in hhds, unmanufactured | 2 |
Hemp | 2 | Tow | 4 |
Hemp and Shingle Machines | 1 | Toys, boxed | 2-1 |
Herring, in kegs | 2 | Trees and Shrubbery, baled, owner's risk | 2-1 |
Herring, in boxes | 2 | Trunks, empty | 2-1 |
Hides, green | 3 | Twine | 2 |
Hides, dry, loose | 1 | Type | 2 |
Hides, dry, in bales, compressed | 2 | ||
Hoes | 3 | Umbrellas, boxed | 1 |
Hollow Ware | 2 | ||
Honey, in bbls and casks | 2 | Varnish | 1 |
Hoofs and Horns | 3 | Veneering, not boxed | 2-1 |
Hooks and Hinges | 3 | Veneering, boxed | 1 |
Hops, baled | 2 | Vinegar | 3 |
Horse Shoes, in packages | 3 | ||
Household Goods (not Furniture) boxed | 1 | Wagons, Children's, unboxed | 2-1 |
Wagons and Hobby Horses, boxed | 1 1/2-1 | ||
Indigo | 1 | Wagon Felloes and Bows | 1 |
Ink, boxed | 1 | Water Pipe, cast | 4 |
Ink, in bbls | 2 | Wheelbarrows | 1 |
Iron Bar, Band and Boiler | 3 | Whips and Whalebone | 1 |
Iron Castings, unboxed | 3 | Whiskey, in bbls | 1 |
Iron Castings, heavy | 4 | White Lead | 3 |
Iron Facings | 3 | Whiting | 4 |
Iron, Hoop and Sheet | 2 | Willow Reeds, in bundles | 2 |
Iron Nuts and Rivets | 4 | Willow Ware | 2-1 |
Iron, Pig | 4 | Window Glass | 1 |
Iron, Railroad | 5 | Wine, in boxes and baskets | 1 |
Iron Railing, boxed | 2 | Wire | 2 |
Iron Safes | 3 | Wire Cloth | 1 |
Iron Shutters | 3 | Wire Fencing | 3 |
Wire Rope | 4 | ||
Junk | 3 | Wood, in shapes | 1 |
Jute | 3 | Wooden Wares | 1 |
Wool, in bales | 1 | ||
Lampblack, in casks and bbls | 2 | Woolen Yarn | 1 |
Land Plaster | 5 | Wrapping Paper | 2 |
Lard | 1 | ||
Lard and other Oils not enumerated, in barrels and casks | 1 | Yarn, pressed in bales | 2 |
Lead, Pipe, Bar, and Sheet | 2 | ||
Lead, in casks and pigs | 4 | Zinc, in pigs | 3 |
Leather, unfinished, in rolls | 3 | Zinc, in rolls and sheets | 2 |
Leather, in boxes | 2 | Zinc, Sheet, in casks and cases | 3 |
Lemons, in boxes, not canvassed | 2-1 |