Confederate Rolling Stock Inventory
   Two questions I wanted to answer when I started my research was how much rolling stock did the Confederate railroads have when the war started and how much did they add during the war. Though my numbers may be refined a bit in the future, I believe I now have enough information to answer those questions well enough to be useful for any analysis.
   Below is listed the total inventory, as well as I can determine it. There are still a few roads for which I have no numbers, but their total inventory was probably too small to make any meaningful difference to what is reported below. Unfortunately, the railroads did not all report their cars in the same categories, so I have a rather large number of Unknown car types (700 from the Georgia RR). For the Louisville & Nashville RR, I have only counted those cars retained on the southern end of the road. 
   I have also divided the inventory into the Eastern and Western (Trans-Mississippi) Confederacy totals, since they were not interchangeable. Even in the Eastern section, there were isolated roads (all of the Florida roads, the New Orleans city roads, the short  Mississippi River port roads, etc.).
   In the East, these numbers give about 11 cars per locomotive, but only 9.5 Passenger/Baggage/Freight cars per locomotive. Since trains were typically 12-15 cars long, it is easy to see why there are so many documents on car usage and requirements.
   The South captured and put to use 27 locomotives and an unknown number of cars (probably about 200) and manufactured 1 locomotive and an unknown number of cars (probably about 200).
   This rolling stock serviced 9,194 miles of Eastern track and 752 miles of Western -- a total of 9,946 miles.
   Also see Confederate Rolling Stock Production
Type Eastern  Western
Locomotive 1,161 59
Passenger (1st and 2nd Class) 670 38
Box 5,151 242
Flat 3,358 329
Baggage, Mail, Express 244 8
Stock 212 63
Type Unknown 1,482 20
Various (Coal, Conductor, House, Crank, Pole, Derrick, etc.) 1,456 20
TOTAL (Non-locomotive) 12,573 720
Confederate TOTAL (Non-locomotive) 13,293
