The data below is taken from a series
of brief reports made to the Quarter Master General by Major
John C. Maynard, May - July, 1863 and found in the Secretary of
War's Incoming Letters, National Archives. The period covered is
from the start of the Battle of Chancellorsville through a
couple of weeks after the army's return from Gettysburg. |
Since it is very difficult to find
records of daily shipments of military supplies over an extended
period of time, the below table is of significant value, even with
24 of the 84 daily reports missing. Since this is a Quartermaster
General's report to the Secretary of War, the grain being reported
is mostly corn, and all for the Army's animals (grain 8 lbs per
animal per day and fodder 15 lbs per animal per day). |
Note that almost all the grain
supporting the Army's animals came by railroad through Petersburg,
drawn primarily from southern Georgia, southeastern Virginia, North
Carolina and South Carolina. Of course the Commissary Department was
drawing from the same places (and local Virginia) for food for the
soldiers. The shipments also do not record the shipments of long
fodder (hay, corn stalks, straw) required by the animals and straw
required by the Medical Department. |
Notice the number of days that the
bushels on hand at the end of the day did not equal the shipments of
that day -- in other words, if incoming supplies were interrupted,
there was not enough on had for even one day's issues. Also note the
number of days with less than 1,000 bushels remaining on hand, down
to as low as 135 bushels remaining. |
Finally, the other crucial supplies
that had to be shipped into the Richmond area are not recorded
(ammunition, clothing, stores, civilian food, weapons, etc.). |
Date |
Bushels Last
Report |
Bushels Received |
Total Received |
Total |
Bushels Shipped |
Total Issued |
Balance On Hand |
Ham. Cros. |
Guineas |
Hanover |
Beaver Dam |
Various |
Gordons-ville |
Local |
May |
2 |
7347 |
3704 R&P |
727 Canal |
4,431 |
11,778 |
1000 |
300 |
404 |
526 |
2,266 |
9,512 |
3 |
9512 |
2882 R&P |
2,882 |
12,394 |
1000 |
602 |
675 |
514 |
2,791 |
9,603 |
4 |
9603 |
1780 R&P |
1,780 |
11,383 |
317 |
317 |
11,066 |
5 |
11066 |
286 R&P |
813 R&D |
24 Canal |
1,123 |
12,189 |
141 |
469 |
610 |
11,579 |
6 |
11579 |
869 R&P |
869 |
12,448 |
928 |
114 |
321 |
1,363 |
11,085 |
7 |
11085 |
4859 R&P |
4,859 |
15,914 |
5952 |
612 |
6,564 |
9,350 |
8 |
9350 |
1116 R&P |
533 R&D |
1,649 |
10,999 |
3489 |
1116 |
923 |
5,528 |
5,471 |
9 |
5471 |
1521 R&P |
893 R&D |
2,414 |
7,885 |
3500 |
1001 |
1314 |
5,815 |
2,070 |
10 |
2070 |
4758 R&P |
4,758 |
6,828 |
3501 |
1001 |
257 |
750 |
573 |
6,082 |
746 |
11 |
746 |
Report not found |
1,636 |
12 |
1636 |
3083 R&P |
393 R&D |
1700 Unk. |
5,176 |
6,812 |
1671 |
1001 |
1000 |
1137 |
4,809 |
2,003 |
13 |
2003 |
Report not found |
1,598 |
14 |
1598 |
3734 R&P |
354 R&D |
4,088 |
5,686 |
1903 |
1003 |
1311 |
4,217 |
1,469 |
15 |
1469 |
5453 R&P |
5,453 |
6,922 |
930 |
1000 |
657 |
3,593 |
3,329 |
16 |
3329 |
6114 R&P |
6,114 |
9,443 |
2289 |
998 |
1047 |
4,334 |
5,109 |
17 |
5109 |
Report not found |
6,970 |
18 |
6970 |
3724 R&P |
418 R&D |
4,142 |
11,112 |
3264 |
400 |
2000 |
677 |
6,341 |
4,771 |
19 |
4771 |
4780 R&P |
4,780 |
9,551 |
1674 |
1002 |
500 |
460 |
3,636 |
5,915 |
20 |
5915 |
4146 R&P |
103 Capt Morfit |
4,249 |
10,164 |
1405 |
500 |
200 |
1000 |
1040 |
4,145 |
6,019 |
21 |
6019 |
4186 R&P |
4,186 |
10,205 |
463 |
500 |
300 |
500 |
1032 |
2,795 |
7,410 |
22 |
7410 |
5178 R&P |
250 R&D |
5,428 |
12,838 |
2283 |
1000 |
500 |
937 |
4,720 |
8,118 |
23 |
8118 |
8596 R&P |
8,596 |
16,714 |
3437 |
1000 |
500 |
300 |
1000 |
581 |
6,818 |
9,896 |
24 |
9896 |
3924 R&P |
3,924 |
13,820 |
747 |
1000 |
501 |
300 |
1673 |
40 |
4,225 |
9,595 |
25 |
9595 |
48 Capt Archer |
48 |
6.643 |
3500 |
380 |
500 |
300 |
2000 |
188 |
6,868 |
2,775 |
26 |
2775 |
4254 R&P |
4,254 |
7,029 |
2391 |
1000 |
801 |
300 |
1607 |
525 |
6,324 |
705 |
27 |
705 |
3560 R&P |
266 R&D |
2000 Unk. |
5,826 |
6,531 |
2106 |
501 |
2173 |
47 |
4,827 |
1,704 |
28 |
1704 |
7090 R&P |
7,090 |
8,794 |
3214 |
1001 |
502 |
2002 |
372 |
7,091 |
1,703 |
29 |
1703 |
6614 R&P |
6,614 |
8,317 |
3031 |
808 |
700 |
6,545 |
1,772 |
30 |
1772 |
Report not found |
31 |
Report not found |
June |
1 |
Report not found |
2 |
Report not found |
489 |
3 |
489 |
2801 R&P |
271 R&D |
3,072 |
3,561 |
999 |
500 |
1000 |
644 |
3,143 |
418 |
4 |
418 |
3423 R&P |
3,423 |
3841 |
800 |
500 |
1000 |
200 |
2,500 |
1,341 |
5 |
1341 |
6266 R&P |
6,266 |
7,607 |
800 |
500 |
2130 |
646 |
4,076 |
3,531 |
6 |
3531 |
6750 R&P |
6,750 |
10,281 |
800 |
500 |
2876 |
420 |
4,596 |
5,685 |
7 |
5685 |
4929 R&P |
4,929 |
10,614 |
800 |
500 |
4314 |
22 |
5,636 |
4,978 |
8 |
4978 |
Report not found |
9 |
Report not found |
10 |
Report not found |
790 |
11 |
790 |
3485 R&P |
3,485 |
4,275 |
800 |
400 |
51 |
1715 |
519 |
3,485 |
790 |
12 |
790 |
Report not found |
13 |
Report not found |
790 |
14 |
790 |
1281 R&P |
1,281 |
2.071 |
1200 |
51 |
30 |
1,281 |
790 |
15 |
790 |
4794 R&P |
490 R&D |
5,284 |
6,074 |
5024 |
911 |
5,935 |
139 |
16 |
139 |
2856 R&P |
2,856 |
2,995 |
2501 |
359 |
2,860 |
135 |
17 |
135 |
4965 R&P |
4,965 |
5,100 |
1000 |
733 |
1,733 |
3,367 |
18 |
3367 |
4993 R&P |
279 R&D |
5,272 |
8,639 |
51 |
1000 |
928 |
1,979 |
6,660 |
19 |
6660 |
1563 R&P |
272 R&D |
1,835 |
8,496 |
296 |
1000 |
818 |
2,114 |
6,381 |
20 |
6381 |
2500 R&P |
55 Canal |
2,555 |
3,936 |
993 |
915 |
1,908 |
7,028 |
21 |
7028 |
3051 R&P |
3,051 |
10,079 |
1465 S |
1,465 |
8,614 |
22 |
8614 |
2466 R&P |
116 R&D |
2,582 |
11,196 |
250 |
1653 S |
679 |
2,382 |
8,614 |
23 |
8614 |
5003 R&P |
5,003 |
13,617 |
2865 |
2,865 |
10,752 |
24 |
10752 |
1982 R&P |
1,982 |
12,734 |
90 |
90 |
12,644 |
25 |
12644 |
Report not found |
12,962 |
26 |
12962 |
2207 R&P |
2,207 |
15,169 |
493 |
493 |
14,676 |
27 |
14,676 |
411 R&P |
411 |
15,087 |
411 |
411 |
14,676 |
28 |
14676 |
Report not found |
14,676 |
29 |
14676 |
630 R&P |
630 |
15,306 |
858 |
858 |
14,448 |
30 |
14448 |
Report not found |
July |
1 |
Report not found |
10,544 |
2 |
10544 |
146 R&D |
1415 Boat |
1,561 |
12,105 |
146 |
686 |
832 |
11,273 |
3 |
11273 |
2505 Boats |
2,505 |
13,778 |
1089 |
1,089 |
12,689 |
4 |
12689 |
Report not found |
14,745 |
5 |
14745 |
4074 Boat |
4,074 |
18,819 |
573 |
573 |
18,246 |
6 |
18246 |
1365 Boat |
1,365 |
19,611 |
1220 |
1,220 |
18,391 |
7 |
18391 |
Report not found |
18,776 |
8 |
18776 |
1857 R&P |
1,857 |
20,633 |
305 |
305 |
20,328 |
9 |
20328 |
Report not found |
21,328 |
10 |
21,122 |
2271 R&P |
51 R&D |
2,322 |
23,444 |
1051 |
1,051 |
22,390 |
11 |
22390 |
Report not found |
12 |
Report not found |
22016 |
13 |
22016 |
457 R&P |
457 |
22,473 |
982 |
982 |
21,491 |
14 |
21491 |
85 R&D |
85 |
21,576 |
962 |
962 |
20,614 |
15 |
20614 |
1426 R&P |
1,426 |
22,040 |
500 |
516 |
1,016 |
21,024 |
16 |
21024 |
2758 R&P |
2,758 |
23,782 |
946 |
946 |
22,636 |
17 |
22636 |
683 R&P |
20 R&D |
703 |
23,339 |
500 |
848 |
1,348 |
21,991 |
18 |
21991 |
Report not found |
19 |
Report not found |
23.914 |
20 |
23914 |
2471 R&P |
2,471 |
26,385 |
500 |
2661 S |
380 |
4,541 |
21,844 |
21 |
21844 |
2898 R&P |
2,898 |
24,742 |
2846 |
550 |
3,396 |
21,346 |
22 |
21346 |
1484 R&P |
1,484 |
22,830 |
3482 |
898 |
4,380 |
18,450 |
23 |
18450 |
Report not found |
20,273 |
24 |
20273 |
2557 R&P |
85 R&D |
101 Boat |
2,743 |
23,016 |
1429 |
810 |
2,239 |
20,777 |
December |
To ANV by
Virginia Central RR |
18-19 |
7,300 |
21 |
4,700 |
Ham. Cros. = Hamiltons Crossing, just south of Fredericksburg |
R&P = Richmond & Petersburg RR R&D = Richmond &
Danville RR S = Staunton
Boats = Canal boats from Lynchburg or boats from Petersburg |
Bushel of corn weighs 56 pounds. A car load was 285 bushels in 2
1/2 bushel sacks. |
December report from QMG letter to Lee dated December 22, 1863 |