Memphis, El Paso & Pacific

This road was chartered in 1853 to run from a point on the Red River to El Paso, Texas. Construction began in 1857, from Moores Landing to Jefferson, then to Clarksville and toward Paris. Though 65 miles of grading had been completed when the war began, only one shipment of rails (5 miles worth) had arrived. Additional rails were seized by the Confederate government before they arrived on site and were forfeited to the Confederate Government when the road could not pay the import duties.. 
Black's Number 108 (map)
Track 5 miles of 4 foot 8 inch gauge, type and weight unknown
Locomotives 1: no name
Cars 10
Stations 2
Officers 4
Significant Documents
NP, STD 1-19-61
NP, STD 1-19A-61
NP, STD 2-2-61
NP, STD 2-9-61
NP, TR 2-9-61
NP, DH 2-27-61
NP, SG 3-2-61
NP, NODC 3-6A-61
NP, GN 3-14A-61
NP, SG 4-6A-61
NP, GCGW 4-16A-61
NA, MEPP 5-16-61
AOC, 5-21A-61
NP, TR 6-8-61
NP, STD 6-15-61
NP, STD 6-15A-61
NP, STD 6-15B-61
TX, MEP&P 10-12-61
TX, MEP&P 10-14-61
NP, STD 11-21-61
