Recent Transcriptions

In order to make it easier for people who return to this site frequently, I've decided to list the most recent posts of new transcriptions of original documents. I'll keep the past one month on this page.

Be sure to check What's New at Confederate Railroads to find out about non-transcriptions that have also been added

 ***  Released "Locomotives Up the Turnpike" {HERE}  ***
NA, AIGO 4-10-61 12/1
NA, AIGO 6-7-61 12/2
NA, AIGO 6-11-61
NA, AIGO 6-13-61
NA, AIGO 7-31-61 12/3
NA, AIGO 8-5-61
OR Series 1, Vol. 5, Page 872A 12/13
OR Series 1, Vol. 5, Page 873
NP, MCS 12-13-61 12/15
NA, JC 8-21-61 12/18
NA, JC 1-x-62
