Piedmont Blockade Running Plans

October 9, 1862 Directors Bi-Monthly Meeting Minutes

   "The committee appointed to confer with the Sect of War report as the result of the Conference (on same date), that the best means to supply the wants of the company will be to avail themselves of the same advantages now possessed by the confederate government -- and we are assured that the agent of the government now in Europe will afford every assistance to the company, and that the means of transportation accessible to and confided in by the government will be equally accessible to their company." The Directors then authorized $100,000 to be spent on importation of supplies.

October 1, 1862 Richmond & Danville RR Annual Report

   "The sum of $150,000 has been appropriated for the importation of materials needed in the construction and working of the road. Responsible parties have contracted to deliver the articles, but it is not deemed proper to give their names, nor to enter into fuller specifications."
