UG, SA&G 1/22/1864

Near Bainbridge
Jan the 22nd 1864
To his Excellency Joseph E Brown
   I have taken the liberty of addressing you to call your attention to a matter that bears heavy on the poor in this community There is in half a mile of my house over a hundred negroes engaged in grading the S A & G R Road {Savannah, Albany & Gulf RR}. They have been here for the last six months and it will take them twelve more to finish the road at this point. The only thing to be complained of is that they are consumers and not producers in this time of great scarcity. What they consume makes it difficult for the poor in this immediate section to get supplies. The contractor is a gentelmany man, and his efforts to feed his laborers are praiseworthy, if he was not depriving the poor in doing so. I conversed with the contractor a few days since and asked him if it would not be advisable for him to stop his work on the road and go to producing for the resent, he replyed that he was under contract and subject to be fined if he did not complete the contract to time.
   Now Sir I am a stockholder in this Road and I know this part of the road cannot be finished before the war ends. Is it right to have such a number of negroes consuming in this time of scarcity when they might be producing, and if it is wrong is their a remedy.
C Curry
{Noted on the reverse that it was answered on Feb. 2, but the reply is not given.}
