UA, SIW 4/21/1863

Ala. Coal Mining Cos. Mines
April 21st 1863


Mr. A. T. Jones
Prest Shelby Iron Co.
Dear Sir,
   We sent you 64 tons of coal in January, below you will find statement of coal consign'd to you since then.
Feb 13 per order Cap. Thames 2 cars 107..77. 16 Tons
16 " " " 2 cars 107..77. 16
23 " " " 2cars 103..107. 16
27 " " " 2 cars 103..107. 16
   The above are all that have been sent by order of Cap Thames, the following have been sent since,
March 6 1 car 95 8
11 3 cars 57..105..39 24
16 1 car .17. 8
18 1 car .101. 8
25 1 car .65. 8
April 3 2 cars 77..17. 16
17 2 cars 61..69. 16
20 2 cars 49..85. 16
{Total 168}
   Car 69 was left behind and one of Mr. Browne's cars was taken in the place of it, so I agreed to give the one that was left to Browne's folks in exchange and the two last dated the 20th did not leave the switch until to day. ***
Yours respectfully
Joseph Squire
