OR, Series 4, Vol. 2, Page 48

Confederate States of America, War Department
Richmond, August 12, 1862
His Excellency Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederate States
   Although it is not customary for the heads of Departments to make reports at extra sessions of Congress, yet, in consideration of recent changes in the organization of the Army, and of the necessity for further legislation, it is deemed best to depart from this usage on the present occasion.
   A right to control the operations of our railroads to some extent is necessary to insure quick and safe transportation and to maintain the roads in a proper state of efficiency. The regular transportation of the roads is so much deranged by the movements of troops and munitions of war that a common head during the war is indispensable. I recommend that application be made for authority to exercise such control as may be necessary to harmonize the operations of the roads and to maintain their efficiency, and to appoint a superintendent who shall be charged with the supervision of railroad transportation.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Geo. W. Randolph
Secretary of War
