OR, Series 4, Vol. 2, Page 393

Special Orders No. 36
Adjt. and Insp. General's Office
Richmond, Va., February 12, 1863
IX. Paragraph V, Special Orders, No. 18, current series, is hereby revoked, and the following is substituted instead: For the completion of public vessels, as also for the construction of certain railroad connections which, as necessary for military operations, Congress has authorized, and for the repair of other roads essential to the Government and the public for transportation, iron being indispensable and not within the reach of the Government through the ordinary sources, Col. J. F. Gilmer, chief of the Engineer Bureau, and Maj. I. M. St. John, chief of the Niter and Mining Bureau, are appointed to act, with an officer to be designated by the Navy Department, as a commission to examine and advise on what railroads in the Confederate States the iron on their tracks can best be dispensed with. In making this inquiry the commission will be governed by the public interest, and will leave out of consideration all roads and portions of roads required for military operations and defenses, and also such as are indispensable in carrying supplies for the public use. They will also inquire and report the best means of obtaining the iron suitable for such roads and apportioning the same, and how the rails removed may be exchanged for equivalents in value of more defective rails, to be rolled and used for naval purposes.
By command of the Secretary of War
John Withers
Assistant Adjutant-General
