Richmond, Va., December 31, 1862
General S. Cooper |
Adjutant and Inspector General |
General, |
Having asked a conference of the
presidents and superintendents of the railroads in the Confederate
States on the 15th instant at Augusta, Ga., for the purpose of
consultation as to Government transportation, I have the honor to
report the result of that conference and of my subsequent action:
Agreeably to my call there was a general
attendance, and, after organizing, I read to the convention a letter
(copy of which is hereto attached and marked A) setting forth as
briefly as possible the object to be accomplished and expressing a
desire on my part to do all that I could to aid the roads. Whereupon
the convention appointed three committees, one to confer with me and
report business for the convention; one to take into consideration a
tariff of charges for Government transportation, and one to report a
schedule to be run between Richmond, Va., and Montgomery, Ala. The
committee appointed to confer with me had under consideration a plan
or system to be adopted by which to carry on Government
transportation. This committee was unable to agree and so reported
to the convention, but submitted a plan which had been suggested by
a part of the committee, and which I believed would work
satisfactorily. In the report of the convention this plan appears as
having been proposed by me, whereas it was, as I have said,
suggested by a part of the committee; but as they could not agree
and did not submit a majority and minority report this method was
taken to bring some plan before the convention. Upon this plan some
debate was had, and when it was put to vote it was rejected, as will
be seen by the report of the convention (which is hereto attached
and marked B). Having rejected this plan, a resolution was
introduced expressing an earnest desire to co-operate with me in
carrying on Government transportation, but failing to agree upon any
definite plan of action I regarded the resolution as of no value
beyond the expression of the good wishes of the convention. The
committee to whom was referred tariff of charges for Government
transportation made a report proposing a very considerable advance
upon the present rate. While it was under consideration I said to
the convention that I had hoped the tariff of charges would not have
been disturbed for the present; that while there were roads that
ought to receive a larger compensation than at present, there were,
I was satisfied, others that were fully remunerated by the present
rates; that I did not think a uniform rate just, but I should
require more time than I then had to enter into any consideration
and agreement for a change, and that I should feel bound to report
against the tariff of charges then proposed; yet, upon the report of
this committee being put to vote, it was, with some modification,
adopted by the convention. In my judgment this tariff is not
equitable with any classification of the railroads that can be made,
and I respectfully submit whether or not the action of the
convention in this particular shall be ratified.
The committee to whom was referred a schedule
between Richmond, Va., and Montgomery, Ala., failed to arrive at
anything satisfactory. Having in my judgment failed to accomplish
anything practicable by the action of the convention, I addressed a
circular to the presidents of the railroads in the country (copy of
which is hereto attached and marked C), asking that the
superintendent of each road be allowed to act as my assistant in
conducting Government transportation and indicating his duties in so
doing. To this circular I hope for a favorable response, and I trust
a system may be built up from it which will result satisfactorily.
Having thus stated the action of the
convention of the presidents and superintendents of railroads and
what I have done to organize a system of Government transportation,
it may be proper for me to give some idea of the origin of the
difficulties and detentions of the transportation of Government
freights, which it is proposed to obviate by my appointment. Amongst
the first and most important is the disregard many army officers
have for the private property of railroad companies; as, for
instance, ordering rolling-stock from one road to another without
making any effort or provision for returning it, or even without
examining into the safety of the cars to run. Impressing cars and
engines has been a common occurrence, and to such an extent has the
ordinary routine of employees been interfered with that they cease
to feel a proper interest in conducting a business which invests
them with no responsibility so long as quartermasters are exercising
a quasi control of the road and its stock. This involves the
Government in much additional expense and causes the demoralization
of railroad employees. At some depots where ordinarily the railroad
companies would transship freight at their own expense,
quartermasters feeling that some extra vigor is necessary in times
of such delay, will employ labor at Government expense to do the
transshipping or loading which should properly be done by the
railroad companies. This plan having once been started must continue
so long as there is any interference with freights after the
Government agents turn it over to the railroads. The railroad
employees are much more competent to perform all the duties
pertaining to the safe and rapid transportation of freights than any
one not conversant with the very many details connected therewith,
but they can only remain efficient so long as they are held to an
entire and strict responsibility.
In regard to these difficulties I would
suggest that they might be reached and remedied by a general order,
the details of which I will furnish if my views are carried out. As
of still greater importance than the foregoing difficulties I would
ask attention to the actual condition of the rolling-stock and
machinery now in use, and the scarcity of men to operate the roads
and repair the machinery. Many of the roads had scarcely enough of
anything at the beginning of our troubles for more than ordinary
repairs, and the wealthiest and most provident companies are
beginning to feel severely the want of all kinds of supplies. To
some extent the Government can give them relief by permitting the
iron foundries and rolling-mills now engaged wholly on Government
works to furnish them with the necessary materials, and by
permitting the detail of men already enlisted or exempting from
conscription of such men as are necessary for the safe conduct of
the railroads of the country. There is not a railroad in the country
which has an efficient force today, and the power vested in the
enrolling officer is seriously diminishing even the small number of
men left to perform duties upon roads, the success of which is of
the first importance to the Confederacy. These difficulties must be
remedied or the roads will very soon be quite unable to meet the
requirements of Government, and the election must now be made
between letting them go down or rendering them the necessary
assistance for successful operation.
Trusting that these hasty observations and
suggestions will meet with approbation,
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient
servant |
Wm. M. Wadley |
Assistant Adjutant-General |
[First indorsement] |
January 1, 1863 |
Respectfully submitted to Secretary of War. |
S. Cooper |
Adjutant and Inspector General |
[Second indorsement] |
Examined. Colonel Wadley's views on the
proposed tariff of prices approved. Oral instructions given as to
further negotiations and arrangements with the roads. |
J. A. S. |
Secretary |
A. |
Augusta, December 15, 1862 |
Presidents and Superintendents of Railroads in the
Confederate States |
Gentlemen: I have asked a conference with you
for the purpose of taking into consideration the difficulties that
now exist in Government transportation, and as far as practicable to
remedy any defect that may be found in the present plan upon which
it is transacted. Safety and dispatch are the ends desired. To
accomplish these ends it is necessary to arrange schedules so as to
enable your trains to connect with as little delay as possible, and
to have a mutual understanding and agreement for the delivery and
receipt of freight between connecting roads. In this connection I
desire to avoid sending messengers with freight. I do not know the
nature or extent of the difficulties that have been experienced, and
therefore I cannot suggest a remedy, but I presume the want of
rolling-stock by some roads, while that of others has been scattered
over distant lines leaving the owners without sufficient to transact
their business, is among them. As a partial remedy to the roads in
want of rolling-stock, I propose to part with all that is owned by
Government, and I desire the roads having a superabundance to supply
(as far as practicable) those that are deficient. I do not suppose
there is enough to supply all, yet a fair distribution will very
much relieve the wants of the country, and I trust that those more
fortunate than their neighbors will promptly come to their relief in
this time of need. To prevent cars from being scattered I think that
an arrangement should be entered into in reference to interchange
between roads, and when once determined on let it be rigidly
enforced. In providing for transshipment it may be desirable that
exceptions should be made for heavy ordnance. I requested the
Quartermaster-General to have his bureau represented at your meeting
in order to meet any questions that may arise in reference to
evidence of transportation or of auditing your accounts, and to
represent this department allow me to introduce to you Major Wood
and Captain Smith, of the Quartermaster's Department. If there are
other matters in reference to Government transportation upon which
it is desirable to have an understanding, or if there is anything I
can do as the agent of the Government to facilitate transportation,
I shall be very willing to cooperate with you. With this brief
statement of my object in calling you together, I trust that you
will unite in trying to accomplish the desired object. With your
cordial cooperation I am sure all difficulties will vanish, and
without that co-operation I am equally certain that my appointment
will be of no avail. In conclusion let me beg that you will take
sufficient time to mature whatever we undertake to do. I desire all
possible dispatch, but from my past experience in meetings of this
character I am satisfied that there is too much haste in bringing
them to a close.
I am, gentlemen, very respectfully, your obedient
servant |
Wm. M. Wadley |
Assistant Adjutant-General |
B. |
Augusta, December 15, 1862 |
Pursuant to a call from Col. William M.
Wadley, assistant adjutant-general, the convention of railroad
officers met in the Masonic Hall at 10 a.m. On motion of Mr.
Pollard, Mr. Cuyler, president of the Georgia Central Railroad, was
called to the chair, and Alfred L. Tyler and William L. Clark were
appointed as secretaries. The meeting having been organized, the
following roads were found to be represented: |
Alabama and Florida Railroad of Alabama, C. T.
Pollard, president, S. G. Jones, superintendent;
Alabama and Mississippi Rivers road, W. S. Knox, secretary and
Alabama and Tennessee, T. A. Walker, president, William Rothrock,
superintendent and engineer;
Alabama Shelby Coal Mine Branch, William Rothrock, superintendent
and engineer;
Atlanta and West Point, John P. King, president, George G. Hull,
Georgia Central and branches, R. R. Cuyler, president, G. W.
Adams, superintendent;
Charleston and Savannah, B. D. Hasell, president;
East Tennessee and Georgia, C. Wallace, president;
East Tennessee and Virginia, J. R. Branner, president;
Rogersville and Jefferson, R. C. Payne, president;
Florida, Atlantic and Gulf, S. L. Niblack, president and
Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac, Charles Ellis;
Virginia Central, Charles Ellis;
Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, R. L. Owen, president;
Vicksburg, Shreveport and Texas, J. U. Horne, president;
Brunswick and Florida, C. L. Schlatter, president;
Western and Atlantic, by letter from J. S. Rowland,
Montgomery and West Point, C. T. Pollard, president, D. H. Cram,
Wilmington and Manchester, T. D. Walker, president;
Wilmington and Weldon, S. D. Wallace, president, S. L. Fremont,
Mobile and Girard Railroad, B. E. Wells, engineer and
Mobile and Ohio, L. J. Fleming, superintendent;
Nashville and Chattanooga and branches, V. K. Stevenson,
Nashville and Northwestern, V. K. Stevenson, president;
New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern;
North Carolina Central, by letter from T. J. Sumner,
Muscogee Railroad, J. L. Musttan, president, W. L. Clark,
Macon and Western Railroad, Isaac Scott, president, A. L. Tyler,
Southwestern, R. R. Cuyler, president, Virgil Powers,
Orange and Alexandria, R. L. Owen;
Richmond and Petersburg, Charles Ellis, president;
Petersburg Railroad, C. O. Sanford, superintendent;
Savannah, Albany and Gulf, Hiram Roberts, president, G. I.
Fulton, superintendent;
Raleigh and Gaston, W. J. Hawkins, president;
Charlotte and South Carolina, E. Hurlbut, superintendent;
Georgia Railroad and branches, John P. King, president, George
Yonge, superintendent;
Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio, E. Hurlbut, superintendent;
South Side Railroad, H. D. Bird, superintendent;
Richmond and Danville, C. G. Talcott, superintendent;
Southern Railroad, by letter from M. Emanuel,
Northeastern, S. S. Solomons, superintendent;
Cheraw and Darlington, S. S. Solomons, superintendent. |
The chairman then proceeded to read Order No.
98, from the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, stating what
powers the Government had delegated to Colonel Wadley, after which
the latter proceeded in the following letter to explain his reasons
for calling the meeting. |
On motion of Mr. Pollard the chair appointed a
committee of eight, including the chairman of the convention, to
take into consideration the matters represented by Colonel Wadley
and to report at 3 p.m. The following-named gentlemen composed that
committee: Pollard, King, Owen, Ellis, C. Wallace, Stevenson,
Fleming, Cuyler. |
On motion of Mr. Fremont a committee of five
was appointed to arrange rates of transportation for "men and
things." The chair appointed Fremont, Adams, Yonge, Scott,
Horne. |
On motion of Mr. Sanford a committee of eight
was appointed to consult with Mr. Offutt, of the Post-Office
Department, and arrange schedules for the Southern route. The chair
appointed Messrs. Sanford, Ellis, Fremont, Walker, Yonge, Hull,
Crain, Jones. |
The meeting then adjourned till 3 p.m., at
which time it met and was called to order by the chairman, when it
was found the committee was not ready to report, and was further
adjourned till 10 a.m. next day. |
***** |
Tuesday, December 16, 1862 |
The convention met at 10 a.m. and was called
to order by the chairman. The minutes of yesterday were read and
confirmed. The committee on transportation made a report, which, on
motion of Mr. Pollard, was referred back for amendments. The
committee to take into consideration the matter reported by Colonel
Wadley offered the following: |
committee to which was referred a resolution to confer with Colonel
Wadley, chief of Government transportation, and to procure for the
consideration of the convention such matters as will enable the
railroad companies to meet the views of the Government, respectfully
report that they have been unable to agree. They submit to the
convention the following plans proposed by Colonel Wadley, upon
which he believes he can carry out satisfactorily the duties which
devolve upon him as chief of Government transportation. |
C. T. Pollard |
Chairman |
Plan Proposed by Colonel Wadley |
I would suggest
for the consideration of the committee that harmonious and efficient
action in relation to the public transportation can be secured upon
a plan of this character: |
First. My
appointment of the several railroad superintendents as my assistants
in the performance of my duties, without compensation; these
assistants to observe the direction and carry out my views as chief
manager of transportation, and to make reports to me at such times,
and from time to time, as I may direct. |
Second. The
several railroad companies to allow the passage of their cars over
adjoining roads, and for such distances and terms as to repairs and
safe and speedy return, and upon such compensation and method of
payment as I may prescribe. It is contemplated, by a regular system
of reports from the assistants, to keep me at all times advised in
relation to the situation and condition of the cars permitted to go
on adjoining roads, so as to secure me their quick return in good
repair to the roads to which they belong. |
Third. In cases
of necessity such railroad companies as may have it in their power
to do so to allow, at my request, their locomotive engines to pass
over adjoining roads in charge of the enginemen belonging to them,
to be assisted by competent enginemen of the road receiving aid, and
under such regulations as to rate of speed and tonnage hauled as I
may prescribe, or such as the assistants belonging to the companies
aiding and aided may be agreed on. The rate of compensation to be
fixed by me. |
Fourth. The
Government, through its proper agents, to furnish to the several
railroad companies all such railroad supplies, including subsistence
for their negroes engaged in the repairs of road, as the Government
may be enabled to furnish, at such cost, to be paid promptly in
cash, as I may prescribe. |
Fifth. The
Government to be at the expense of returning to the several
companies such of their engines, cars, etc., as were ordered from
the railroads owning them by the Government, and this return to be
made as soon as it can be safely done under my direction. |
Sixth. The
Government to aid in the construction of such railroad connections
between roads as I may consider and report to be necessary. |
Demands for Government transportation to be made upon me, or any of
my assistants, by any commanding officer authorized to make it, and
where delays are occasioned by the act of such officer due
compensation to be determined by me to be made to the company
delayed. |
Eighth. The
appointment by me at Government expense of agents to superintend the
carriage of goods or troops over such breaks as may exist at the
termini of railroads. |
Ninth. Such
companies as may have more engines or cars than necessary for their
business to sell the same to companies wanting aid, at prices to be
agreed upon. |
Mr. Pollard offered the following resolution: |
Resolved, That
the railroad companies represented in this convention concur in the
plan suggested by Colonel Wadley, chief of Government
transportation, and adopt it. |
Mr. Stevenson offered the following
substitute, which, on motion, was adopted by a vote of twenty-five
ayes to eight nays: |
Resolved, That
the convention of railroad officers now holding take this means of
acknowledging their approval of the appointment of Colonel Wadley by
the Government to take the direction of Government transportation;
and the railroads cheerfully pledge to the Government their
assistance and co-operation with Colonel Wadley in carrying out the
wishes of the Government and in perfecting the connection of roads
and quick transfer of freights and passengers from road to road. |
Mr. Owen offered the following resolution,
which was adopted: |
Resolved, That
in view of the existing necessity of some agent for the Government
upon each line of railroad, the superintendent of each road be
requested to offer his services to Colonel Wadley, assistant
adjutant-general, and assist him in carrying out his views and make
such reports to him as may be deemed necessary to him. |
The committee on transportation submitted the
following amended report, which, on motion, was adopted: |
Report |
In view of the greatly
enhanced value of every article entering into the consumption of
railroad companies, and as railroad companies have been forced to
increase their charges for the transportation of freight and
passengers in their general business, your committee can see no
reason or justice for retaining the present rates for carrying for
the Government. We therefore submit the following tariff of charges:
For troops--To be 2½ cents per man per mile on main or thoroughfare
lines, and on side or local lines, 3½ cents per mile. All soldiers
on furlough to be charged at the foregoing rates. Commissioned
officers or Government agents traveling with or without requisitions
shall be charged full fare. The roads to be classed by Colonel
Wadley, chief of Government transportation. On things--First class,
percussion-caps, powder, and fixed ammunition, 60 cents per 100
pounds per 100 miles. Second class, all articles not enumerated in
the first, third, fourth, and fifth classes, 80 cents per 100 pounds
per 100 miles. Third class, live stock, $30 per car per 100 miles;
less than a carload local rates will be charged. Fourth class, hay,
fodder, shucks, bran, straw, empty wagons, ambulances, and other
Government carriages, $20 per carload per 100 miles. Fifth class,
wood, coal, lumber, stone, and bricks to be carried by special
contract, or at local rates of each road. For all distances less
than 50 miles, to be paid as 50 miles, and for 50 miles and less
than 100 miles, to be paid as 100 miles. Extra or special trains
ordered by proper authority, to be paid for at the rate of $1 per
mile for the locomotive and one car, and for every additional car 10
cents per mile for freight and 15 cents per mile for passenger cars.
When an officer having proper authority orders a train to be held in
readiness for transportation of troops, the proper charge for the
locomotive shall be $25 per day and $3 per day for each car,
including the services of conductor, engineer, train hands, and
firemen while so held, and no charge to be less than for one day.
When trains of one road pass over another carrying troops or freight
of any kind, the road owning the train shall receive as full
compensation for such trains one-eighth of its earnings, to be paid
by the road owning the track passed over. For the transportation of
the bodies of soldiers killed in battle or that die in service each
road shall adopt its own rules and rates of charge. The Government
should in all cases state by what train, freight or passenger, the
transportation is to be performed, and when it is by passenger train
50 per cent. additional to the foregoing rates shall be charged. It
is the decided and unanimous opinion of the committee that all
Government trains should be discontinued at once and the machinery
turned over to the roads most in
need of it, to be determined by Colonel Wadley, chief of Government
transportation. The committee recommend the rates fixed in this
report be not applied to roads west of the Mississippi River. The
committee submit the following resolutions and recommend their
adoption: |
1. Resolved,
That the foregoing rates of transportation of men and things and
the rules of charges set forth in this report be, and the same are
hereby, adopted, to take effect on the 1st day of January next. |
2. Resolved,
That this convention are of opinion that the amount due each
railroad company for transportation of men and things should be
settled monthly by the quartermaster nearest the principal office of
the company within fifteen days after the close of the month. |
Respectfully submitted. |
S. L. Fremont |
By Mr. Adams: |
Resolved, That
Colonel Wadley be earnestly requested to have all the cars
seized and removed from the various roads by Government officers
returned at the earliest practicable moment to the roads to whom
they belong. |
Passed. |
By Mr. S. L. Niblack: |
Resolved, That
the roads in the State of Florida are excepted from the report of
the committee on transportation as adopted by the convention. |
Passed. |
By Mr. Pollard: |
Resolved, That
such roads as have been or may be in the possession of the enemy, or
partially destroyed, be excepted from the report of the committee
regulating the rates of transportation. |
Passed. |
By Mr. Fleming: |
Resolved, That
a committee of five be appointed by the chairman to confer with the
Postmaster-General and to petition Congress for an increase of
compensation for the transportation of the mall, and the passage of
a law for the more equitable adjustment of fines and forfeitures for
failures to perform the same. |
Passed, and the chair appointed Fleming, Sanford,
Stevenson, Ellis, and Owen. |
The committee on schedules not being ready to
report, were relieved from further duty. |
By Mr. Adams: |
Resolved, That
the secretaries have a sufficient number of copies of the
proceedings of the convention printed and send ten copies to each
road represented, by express, with bill of proportionate expense of
printing. |
Passed. |
The meeting adjourned sine die. |
C. |
Augusta, Ga., December 17, 1862 |
To --- ---, |
--- ---: |
Dear Sir: Having failed at the recent meeting
of presidents and superintendents of railroads in the Confederate
States to agree upon definite plan for carrying on Government
transportation over the several railroads of the country, and
deeming it of the first importance that some system should be agreed
upon by which all will act in harmony, I respectfully submit and ask
your concurrence and agreement to the following: |
Your superintendent to act as my assistant,
without compensation, in conducting Government transportation over
your road, it being his duty to receive from commanding and
authorized officers orders for transportation, and to order and
conduct such transportation to destination or to a connecting road,
as the case may be; to receive from and deliver to connecting roads
all freight from or destined to connecting lines; to report to me at
least once a week the general condition and state of Government
transportation and conduct of Government agents on his road, and in
the event of any accident or stoppage of Government freight or
troops to make special report of the same by telegraph; in the event
of any unusual amount of freight or troops to be transported, to be
reported by telegraph or letter to the superintendent of the road
over which the same may have to pass in order that he may be
prepared for the same; to make immediately a full and accurate
report of the amount and condition of his rolling-stock and the
general condition and wants of his road, and in the event of any
change in his rolling-stock or road to report the same. My object in
obtaining the information in reference to the rolling-stock,
condition, and wants of the several roads in the country is to
enable me to aid those in want so far as may be in the power of the
Government to supply. If you agree to this plan of carrying on
Government transportation you will please notify me at Richmond,
Va., and instruct your superintendent to enter upon the discharge of
his duties in accordance with it immediately. On the other hand, if
you object to the plan, or to your superintendent acting as my
assistant, be pleased to notify me, in order that I may provide some
other manner of superintending and conducting Government
transportation over your road. |
I remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant |
Wm. M. Wadley |
Assistant Adjutant-General |