OR, Series 4, Vol. 1, Page 868

Virginia Central Railroad, President's Office
Richmond, Va., January 22, 1862
Hon. J. P. Benjamin
Secretary of War
Dear Sir,
  A convention of a number of railroad companies of the Confederate States held in this city on the 19th ultimo for the purpose of devising a plan for procuring supplies, appointed a committee to get information for the advancement of that object. Understanding that the Government was engaged in similar inquiries in reference to its wants, they were instructed to communicate with the Department having charge of that subject with a view to co-operation. At a meeting of the committee held this evening D. T. Bisbie, esq., read a communication which he designed presenting to you, containing some suggestions, the result of recent experience. I am requested by the committee to say to you that they were very favorably impressed with the scheme of Mr. Bisbie, so far as it was developed, and, not committing themselves without further reflection, they recommended it to your consideration.
Very respectfully
E. Fontaine
