NP, WJ 11/17A/1863

From the Wilmington Journal
November 17, 1863
Stockholder Meeting
   The annual meeting of Stockholders in the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company will be held tomorrow in the Court House in this town. We presume the meeting will convene at the usual time, say 11 o'clock, A. M.
   An extra train will, as usual be run for the accommodation of the Stockholders and their Families, although we think it probable that the attendance in person will not be large, owing to the known difficulty of obtaining accommodation, especially in view of the fact of the occurrence of the large auction sales upon the same day. We notice that parties have already begun to arrive from all parts to be present at the sales, and speculations and conjectures are rife as to the probability of goods bringing higher or lower prices. The event will show whether the "bulls" or the "bears" are in the ascendant. We shall take measures to report the result promptly.
