NP, WJ 1/7A/1864

From the Wilmington Journal
January 7, 1864
   The alarm of fire between 1 and 2 o'clock on yesterday, was caused by the burning of 15 or 20 bales of cotton at the depot of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road. The cotton belonged to the steamer "City of Petersburg." It was in very bad condition, and the fire was no doubt caused by sparks from the yard engine.
Another Fire
   Last night, about 7 1/4 o'clock, an alarm of fire was raised, caused by the burning of cotton on the wharf of B. Flanner, Esq., a short distance south of the W. & W. R. R. We learn that it was a portion of the cotton which had been removed from the Railroad during the afternoon, (from the previous fire) and belonged to the same steamer. About 25 or 30 bales were destroyed.
