NP, SR 6/24/1861

From the Savannah Republican
June 24, 1861
To the Public
Savannah, June 24th, 1861
   The undersigned are constrained to increase the subscription price of their respective papers.
   This necessity arises from the diminished income of their offices, growing out of the stagnation of business generally, while the expenses are largely increased and cannot be curtailed without injustice to our readers.
   Advertising, ordinarily so large a portion of a newspaper's revenues, is almost wholly suspended, and will continue so during the war, while the price of paper has largely increased, and telegraphic expenses are nearly trebled.
   It is not reasonable to suppose that the Proprietors of papers will continue their publication at a loss when there is no immediate prospect of a change for the better. We have too much reliance upon the sense of justice of our subscribers, to apprehend that they will complain at our course; on the contrary, we hope for and need a generous support from them, and cheerful efforts on their part to increase our subscription lists. It is only upon their support and those efforts we can now depend to maintain the usefulness and value of our papers as full and reliable vehicles of information at this most critical period in the affairs of the country.
   From the 1st day of July, our terms of subscription will be
For the Daily, one year 8.00
  "     "      "     six months 4.00
  "     "      "     three months 2.00
  "     "      "     one month 1.00
  "     "      "     Tri-Weekly, one year 5.00
  "     "      "             "           six months 2.50
  "     "      "             "           three months 1.50
The Weekly will be as heretofore, for one year 2.00
   Apart from existing exigencies, it may not be generally known that the papers of Savannah and Augusta have long been furnished at a price far below that of the journals of other commercial towns in the South, and on terms wholly unremunerating. In proof of this, we refer to the following statement of terms. It shows that we do not ask more for our labor and capital than is promptly conceded to others engaged in the same business.


Daily Tri-Weekly
Courier $10 $5
Mercury 10 5
Evening News 8 4
Advertiser & Register 10 6
Tribune 8
New Orleans
Daily Picayune 12
Crescent 10
Bulletin 12
Delta 10
Avalanche 10 5
Bulletin 10 5
Appeal 10 5
Union & American 8 5
Banner 8 5


Advertiser 8
Mail 8 5
   Contracts for subscriptions unexpired on the day indicated, will be completed at our former rates. All orders for subscriptions MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH THE CASH.
F. W. Sims
Proprietor Republican
Theodore Blois [?]
Proprietor Morning News
