NP, SMN 8/23/1861

From the Savannah Morning News
August 23, 1861
Superintendent's Office, C. R. R.   {Central (of Georgia) RR}
Savannah, Ga. Aug., 1861
Mrs. S. S. Poe, President
Soldier's Aid Society
Macon, Ga.
Dear Madam,
   Twenty three years ago this day, I landed (an emigrant from Delaware) in your beautiful city, since which time Georgia has been my home, and will continue to be whilst life shall last.
   Feeling a deep interest in your brave citizen soldiers now in Virginia, and in other States, many of whom I have known from childhood, I herewith inclose you a check for $20, to be disposed of as you think proper in promoting their comfort.
Yours, very respectfully,
Geo. W. Adams
