From the Daily South Carolinian
(Columbia, S. C.) |
April 19, 1863 |
Notice to Stockholders |
Secretary's Office G. & C. R. R.
Co. {Greenville & Columbia RR} |
Columbia, April 10, 1863 |
The annual meeting of the
Stockholders of this Company, will be held at their Hall, in Columbia,
on Thursday, the 30th inst., at 7 o'clock a. m. |
All Stockholders will be
passed free to and from the meeting. Original Stockholders, or
those who have inherited the stock, owning five shares, will be
permitted to take his wife and children residing with him to the
meeting and return free. |
Those who were not
Stockholders in the beginning, but have purchased their stock, in
order to entitle them to take wife and children to the meeting free,
are required to hold twenty-five shares of stock and to have held it
for six months previous to the meeting. |
The privilege of passage will
commence on Tuesday before the meeting, and expire on Monday
following. |
During the time that the
Stockholders are allowed the free passage, as above, the passenger
trains will stop only at the Regularly established Stations. Stockholders will be required
to show to the Conductors their Stock Scrip. |
C. V. Carrington |
Sec'y |