NP, RW 4/1/1865

From the Richmond Whig
April 1, 1865
Night-Watchmen Shot At
   About one o'clock yesterday morning, night-watchmen E. H. Hicks and A. C. Brange were walking their beat, when they were startled by the report of a pistol in the direction of 19th street, between Franklin and Grace. On arriving at the dwelling of H. D. Whitcomb {Superintendent, Virginia Central RR}, they saw three negroes coming out of an alley, loaded with plunder stolen from Mr. Whitcomb's residence. One of the negroes fired at Hick's, the ball passing him, went through the cape of officer Brange without inflicting a wound. The negroes then ran, leaving their plunder behind, and were pursued by the officers, who were without fire arms. The negroes finding the officers unarmed, turned and fired two more shots, without effect. The officers finding discretion the better part of valor, desisted from the chase, the burglars making their escape. The articles recovered, consisted of soap, lard, bacon, &c., valued at five thousand dollars.
