NP, RSTD 12/17A/1862

From the Raleigh Standard
December 17, 1862
Despotic Acts
   We learn also that an agent of the Confederate government has seized a quantity of iron belonging to the Wilmington and Rutherford Railroad {Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford RR}, to be appropriated to the use of the government, probably to be used in finishing the Piedmont Railroad. The fact of the seizure has been communicated to the Legislature by Mr. Guion, the President of the Road. Under a recent mortgage the State is deeply interested in this property, and it may be said to be State property. If the Confederate government can seize and convert to its own use the property of the Sate, then it can seize the State Treasury with its contents. If it can do these things, or if it is allowed to do them, then we have a government without limitation of powers, or, in other words, a despotism.
