NP, RSTD 11/13A/1863

From the Raleigh Standard
November 13, 1863
Enormous Dividends
   Among the heartless and soulless institutions of the age, that are making big piles of money at the expense of the country, we may mention the Southern Railroads -- without an exception. These concerns, as we perceive, are declaring the most enormous dividends, while they hardly pay the hands they employ enough to buy bread with a little salt on it! especially the hands dodging the war. And the poor soldiers fighting to protect these roads and the property of the stockholders, are charged exorbitantly for riding on them, or even for transporting on them a little box of provisions.
Milton Chronicle
   Is this true? If it is, the Legislature when it meets ought to take these corporations in hand and require the to "mend their ways."
