NP, REX 6/7/1861

From the Richmond Examiner
June 7, 1861
Arrival of Troops
   Our city has again presented a lively appearance, owing to a large number of troops who arrived on the Pensacola train yesterday {Alabama & Florida (of Alabama) RR}. We learn that 2,500 of the men stationed at Warrington have been ordered to Virginia, and that they will proceed to that State as rapidly as proper means for transportation can be provided. Some five hundred arrived yesterday morning and were sent on in the evening train to West Point {Montgomery & West Point RR}. Among those who came up were two companies from Col. Ramsay's Georgia regiment, and three from a Louisiana regiment. Four or five hundred may be expected on every train, until three regiments have passed through our city.
Mont. Adv., of June 1
