NP, RD 4/18A/1862

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch
April 18, 1862
Congress, yesterday
   Only one bill was passed which possessed any general interest, or which, so far as we are capable of deciding, can have any effect upon the public mind in this time of trial and national anxiety. This was the bill entitled an act to provide for the safe and expeditions transportation of troops and munitions of war by railroads. This bill subjects the railroads of the country to the power and central of the Government, and whether for good or evil, the House seemed scarcely disposed to inquire. It provides for the appointment of a Military Chief of Railroad Transportation, who shall have the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and receive compensation at the rate of $5,000 a year, to be paid in quarterly installments. This is a very fair start, and a 1st. position is thus provided for somebody
