NP, RD 2/22A/1862

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch
February 22, 1862
the Weldon bridge over Roanoke river
Weldon, N. C. 19th Feb., 1862
   The report of the destruction of the Weldon bridge, lately published in your paper, doubtless grew out of the fact that on the night of the 6th or 7th inst, or about that time, one of the sentinels posted on the island about midway the bridge supposed he heard some one cutting the bridge. He gave the alarm, but fired no gun. Just as the cars from Petersburg were approaching, they were signaled and stopped, and an investigation made, which proved that the noise was only the echo of the sound from a workshop near by. The bridge is guarded by detachments from Capt. John L. Cantwell's company, of Wilmington R. R Guards, and Col. Wm J. Hoke's 28th regiment N. C. troops. Strict watch is kept day and night, and no one can approach without being discovered. No attempt has been made to destroy the bridge, nor need any be made unless attended by strong force.
Lieut. En. Sutherland
W. R. R. Guards   {Wilmington & Weldon RR Guards}
