NP, RD 12/2C/1861

From the Richmond Dispatch
December 2, 1861
The watchman of Strawberry Plain {East Tennessee & Virginia RR}
   We have had few examples of heroism to compare with that exhibited by James Keelan, who guarded the bridge at Strawberry Plain, in East Tennessee and repulsed the incendiaries, single-handed, though he came near losing his life in the effort. His remark, when he considered his wounds mortal -- "They have killed me, but I have saved the bridge" -- will fire in history, and posterity will listen with almost breathless interest to the narrative of Keelan's courage and devotion. We are gratified to observe that the people of the South are bestowing substantial testimonials upon him, such as his circumstances require; and among other contributions for his benefit, the sum of $100 has been given by the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Company. We are assured that pecuniary favors will not be unworthily bestowed upon the watchman of Strawberry Plain.
