NP, RD 10/13A/1862

From the Richmond Dispatch
October 13, 1862
   the Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad open to Fredericksburg — On and after Monday, 13th instant, the accommodation Train of this company will be run between Richmond and Fredericksburg, leaving Richmond daily at 3:15 P. M., connecting at South Anna river, with a foot bridge and a train on the other side of the river for Fredericksburg and intermediate points, arriving at Fredericksburg at 8:15 P. M. Returning, will leave Fredericksburg at 5 o'clock A. M., breakfast at Milford Depot, and arrive in Richmond at 9 o'clock A. M.
   Owing to the necessity of handling baggage across the foot bridge only hand Baggage can be allowed.
Freight trains
   On and after Tuesday, 14th instant, a Freight Train will be run daily, (Sundays excepted.) each way, between Richmond and Fredericksburg, by way of the Virginia Central Railroad to Hanover Junction, thence by way of this road to Fredericksburg — leaving Richmond from Virginia Central Depot at 5:15 A. M. Returning, will leave Fredericksburg at 5 o'clock A. M., and arrive in Richmond at Virginia Central Depot at 1:30 P. M. Freight for Taylorsville Junction and points beyond, must be sent to the Virginia Central Depot daily, before the hour of 2 P. M. Freight for Ashland and intermediate points will be sent to this Depot Freight arriving at Virginia Central Depot, by this company's cars, must be removed as promptly as possible. 
Samuel Ruth, Sup't.
