NP, NODC 6/22/1861

From the New Orleans Daily Crescent
June 22, 1861
Serious Accident on the East Tenn. & Va. Railroad
   A serious accident occurred, as we learn, on this road, a few days since, which resulted in the death of two members of a Mississippi company from Holly Springs. The cars were overcrowded, and one soldier got on the tender of the engine, whilst another was on the platform of the front car. The capacity of the engine was too small for the load it had to draw, and the engineer was compelled to put on a high pressure of steam. There being no steam guage to the engine, (a sad deficiency) it was difficult to regulate the steam and a collapse of the boiler resulted, killing the two soldiers as above stated. The accident occurred at a point about seventeen miles this side of Atlanta, and the facts are here given as we learned them from a soldier who was on the train.
Lynchburg Virginian
