NP, NODC 1/1/1861

From the New Orleans Daily Crescent
January 1, 1861
For Lake Borgne and Mexican Gulf -- Mexican Gulf Railway
Depot -- Corner of Goodchildren and Champs Elysee
-- Summer Arrangement --
  To Proctorville -- Lake Borgne -- Distance 28 miles. Fare through, 50 cents; children and slaves, half price.

Departure of Trains, Daily

Leave the city for the Lake at 10 A. M.
      "                  "          "    at 4 1/2 P. M.
      "  Lake    City               at 5 1/2 A. M.
      "           "                       at 4 1/2 P. M.
   Office 90 Common street. For all business of the Railroad Department, or any other business connected with the estate of the late Alex. Gordon, apply to
W. G. Bakewell, Executor
at depot, corner of Good Children and Elysian Fields, who is the only person authorized to make engagements and sign obligations for the road.
   Omnibuses leave Canal street every fifteen minutes for the depot.
