NP, MR 5/4/1861

From the Mobile Register
May 4, 1861
Southern Railroad Convention
   The Convention of Southern Railroad Presidents, just adjourned, at Montgomery, gave another evidence of the spirit of patriotism and united determination which animates the people of the South. We learn that one hundred and twenty millions of capital, and four thousand five hundred miles of road were represented in the Convention, and that it unanimously met all the propositions and wishes of the Confederate States Government in regard to the transportation of troops and mails. At the conclusion of its labors the Convention was addressed by President Davis in a very striking and eloquent speech, dwelling on the unanimity and patriotic feeling which market its proceedings.
   The South is united in everything. It is as much as we can do to keep the boys at school and he women in their homes. They all want to go to Virginia, and be up and doing something for the cause which stirs and burns in every heart.
