NP, MM 11/30/1862

From the Montgomery Mail
November 30, 1862
Accident on the Tap Road
   The Houston, Texas, Telegraph of the 7th instant says:
   As the train on the Houston Tap & Brazoria rail road was going out this morning, about a quarter past 11 o'clock, about three miles from town, just this side of the Bray's Bayou Bridge, the passenger car, the hindmost of the train, got off the track. It was dragged thus for about one hundred yards, when the connection broke, and it careened over into the ditch. The car was crowded with passengers, many of them ladies. Quite a number of persons were hurt, but none seriously that we could hear of, except C. B. Sabin, Esq., of this city, who had an arm broken. A few of the passengers returned to the city; most of them went on. It is a wonder how so many escaped serious wounds, not to speak of a worse fate.
