NP, LL 12/20/1864

From the Lancaster (S. C.) Ledger
December 20, 1864
Slave Labor for the Coast
Division No 2
   I. Commissioners of Roads and the Town Authorities within the Judicial Districts of Lancaster, Kershaw, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Sumter, Clarendon, Withamsburg and Horry will forthwith summon all slaveholders within their respective limits to deliver One-Fourth (1/4) of their slaves liable to Road duty at the Railroad Depots nearest their residence on Tuesday, the 16th day of January next, at 6 o'clock a. m., there to await transportation to Charleston for thirty days' labor on the fortifications.
   II. Commissioners of Roads and the authorities above named, who have not furnished the Returns called for in Circular of 10th October last, from the Office of the Agent of the State, are requested to forward them at once, as they are wanted for immediate use. These Returns will give the names of all Owners and the number of their Road Hands.
B. B. Johnson
Agent of State of South Carolina
Camden, Dec. 13, 1864
