NP, GTN 2/5B/1861

From the Galveston Tri-Weekly News
February 5, 1861
Proceedings of the Legislature
   The Senate has passed a bill for the relief of the {Houston & Texas} Central Railroad, which will come up today. There will be opposition in the House from some of the upper counties, but, it is thought, it will pass.
   The Senate has passed a bill for the relief of the Houston, Trinity & Tyler Railroad.
   The bill has for its object, to legalize the commencing of said road at or near Harrisburg. The bill was, on motion of Mr. Henderson, of Harris county, referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements. It will come up to-day.
   The bill has just passed, but a provision was added, that it should not be so construed as to prevent the company commencing at Houston, or passing through said city, if they should wish so to do.
   The amendment was offered by Mr. Henderson in the Committee.
