NP, GDC 2/23A/1865

From the Galveston Daily News
February 23, 1865
Galveston, February 20th, 1865
Editor News,
   Perhaps some of your readers can inform the balance why it is that the G. H. & H. Railroad Galveston, Houston & Henderson RR} is putting our currency down to so low a figure. On down freight, they charge at the rate of $?5 for one, and I suppose they make the same difference, uniformly, on all freight and passage bills. The {Houston & Texas} Central Railroad rated our money at $26 for 1 a short time since, and at the same time the Galveston Road rated it at $30 for 1. Surely there cannot be a redundancy of the new issue in circulation now, for everybody is asking for it, and nobody seems to have it. Even the Government officers profess to have none to pay our soldiers, who have no other wages to support their families. Indeed, I can hear of none having this money except some few speculators, and where they get it, is a mystery to me.
   The effect of these railroad-rates are manifestly to depreciate our currency, when we can see no reason for it. Those who have to pay these high rates on freight to Galveston, must, of course, make charges in the same proportion, to get back their money, and in this way the whole burthen falls upon the Galveston consumers, who are nearly all soldiers' families or poor people. I hope our railroad authorities will take this matter into consideration and do what they can to remedy this evil.
A Freight-Payer
