NP, GCE 2/19/1862

From the Galveston Civilian -- Extra 
February 19, 1862
The Texas Road
   We referred recently to some consideration on the part of Congress of the "military necessity" of completing the railroad from Berwick's Bay and Orange {the New Orleans & Texas RR}, thus connecting Louisiana by rail with the interior of Texas.
   Texas has an extended sea-coast and very many small harbors, communication with which the Federal navy would find it impossible to interrupt. An important trade might be conducted through these minor ports, and thence through the natural canals on the coast to points where they could be shipped by rail to New Orleans. The chief present cost of bringing goods to New Orleans from Texas is the transportation by wagons at enormous prices over the wagon roads, from the end of the Texas railroad to new Iberia. But, besides the considerations of trade, the military necessity of the road is both obvious and pressing.
N. O. Crescent
