From the The Confederation (Montgomery,
Ala.) |
May 24, 1861 |
The Montgomery & West Point
Railroad |
We have before us
the report of the President and Directors of the Montgomery & West Point
Railroad Company to the stockholders, at their annual meeting April 9th,
1861. |
The receipts for
the year have been from |
Passengers |
$213,744.53 |
Freight |
176,938.58 |
Mail |
32,000.00 |
$422,683.11 |
Current expenses for working and keeping in repair the road
and outfit, have been |
$248,071.00 |
Extraordinary expenses, including loss sustained by burning
car factory |
19,500.32 |
Making a total of |
$267,571.32 |
Subtracting the expenses from the
receipts, the sum of $155,111.79 will be left; from which deduct
the interest paid on funded and floating debt, $03,386.43{?},
and the net income for the year is shown to be $91,729.36 -- a
fraction over 6 per cent. on the capital stock of the company,
now amounting to $1,491,069.00. |
The receipts for the year ending March 1st,
1860, were |
$50,156.20 |
For the year ending March 1st, 1861 |
422,083.11 |
Showing a decrease of |
82,473.09 |
The decrease
arises from the fact that there was a large reduction in the number of
passengers this year compared to that of the preceding. |
The road, as will
be seen by its energetic President, Col. Charles T. Pollard, is in fine
working order, and had not it been for the difficulties and
embarrassments by which business of every character has been for the
most part surrounded, it would have produced a larger increase over that
of 1860. |
The reports of
the Engineer and Superintendent, Dan'l H. Crum, Esq., and the Treasurer,
Col. Wm. H. Pollard, are particularly interesting. 14,008 shares have
been taken. |