NP, CJ 7/2A/1861

From the Clarksville Jefferson (Clarksville, Tenn.)
July 2, 1861
M. C. & L. Railroad
Notice to Military Companies
   Military Companies, or individual members of Military Companies, in the service of the State of Tennessee, or of the Southern Confederacy, will pass free on this road under the following restrictions.
   1st. Military Companies to pass free must, when practicable, obtain a free pass from the Company from the Superintendent -- or, when this ins impracticable, must travel under command of some officer of their Company, whose statement to the Conductor that his Company are moving under orders, on military duty, will insure the Company a free pass.
   2d. Individual members of such Companies, must obtain a pass from the Superintendent, which will always be granted on a statement of the Captain of their respective Companies, that they are members thereof, and are traveling under orders on military duty.
Geo. B. Fleece, Sup't.
