NP, ARG 1/5/1861

From the Arkansas State Gazette (Little Rock)
January 5, 1861
$100,000 to the Memphis Road
   The Legislature has passed a bill investing $100,000 of the five per 4.cent. fund in the Memphis & Little Rock Rail Road. This will put the work in such a forward condition as to secure its completion at no distant day. On the subject of this road, and the propriety of making the appropriation, we make the following extract from the letter of a friend, who writes from Washington, in this State, under date of December 20th:
   "I see that there is a probability of a suspension of the work on the Memphis road unless the Legislature renders the company immediate aid. It is surprising to me that this has not already been done. That road, completed, would be worth more to Arkansas, even as a means of defence, than all the second-hand muskets in Yankeedom, to purchase which some of the members are for appropriating the greater portion of the funds in the treasury. The Legislature ought to grant the relief promptly. If they permit the work to be suspended now, when the State has the means of granting the required aid, the people will hold them responsible for the injury that must inevitably accrue to the best interest of the State by such a course of policy."
   Our friend will be rejoiced to know that the Legislature has done just what he desired, and just what was right.
