NP, MT 12/5/1861

From the Macon (Ga.) Telegraph
December 5, 1861
Diabolical Plot
   The train {Central (of Georgia)} that left Savannah on the night of the 2nd, at 9:50, was thrown off the track near the 57 mile post, except the hindmost passenger cars. The accident was caused by the iron having been prized up and a piece of scantling inserted under it, raising the end some six inches above the adjoining rail. The engine passed over clear except one wheel of the tender; no injury to the engine. The express, three baggage and one passenger car were thrown off the track and badly broken.
   From tracks and other evidence it was apparent there were three persons engaged in this hellish work, one, from the track, a white man the others negroes, or they had on negro shoes. They carried the scantling about 3/4 of a mile from an old house. Fortunately no one was injured beyond a few bruises to the express messenger and one or two others; no passenger hurt.
   When it became light and the tracks were discovered, Mr. Stubbs and his dogs were sent for, and when the train left there at 10 o'clock he was in full chase after the villains with strong hope of catching them.
   The Superintendent has offered a reward of $500 for the arrest and proof to convict the villains.
Sav. Republican
