NP, MAP 8/29/1862

From the Memphis Appeal
August 29, 1862
The War in Virginia
From the Richmond Examiner, July 21
M'Clellan's Movements
   Since the above was in type, we have come into possession of some entirely reliable and highly interesting information regarding McClellan's movements. At 8 o'clock yesterday morning, the superintendent of the {Richmond &} York River railroad left Richmond with an engine, intending, owing to the uncertainty of the enemy's movements, to go only as far as Dispatch station. But on arriving at this point he received a message from Colonel Roper commanding our cavalry in New Kent, that he might safely proceed to the White House, the enemy not being, or likely to be in the neighborhood of the road. Proceeding down the road, at Tunstall's he had an interview with Major Roper, from whom he received satisfactory information of the enemy's movements. *****
