NP, MAP 5/16/1862

From the Memphis Appeal
May 16, 1862
Serious Railroad Accident
   The Petersburg Express says that quite a serious accident occurred on the Petersburg and Weldon railroad {Petersburg RR}, on Saturday afternoon, which resulted in the injury of some half a dozen soldiers, and the loss of several cars to the company. About thirteen miles this side of Weldon, the track in undergoing some repairs, and the rails were torn up for some yards. An extra train with the 37th North Carolina regiment, Col. Lee, came along about four o'clock, but whether the train was signalized or not, or if signalized, whether the signal was observed by the engineer, we could not ascertain. The train ran off at the place of repairs, burying the engine in the ground, and very badly damaging a number of cars. Six men were injured more or less, mostly by jumping off the cars -- two of them, we regret to learn, so seriously as to render it dangerous to bring them to Petersburg.
