NP, HT 7/21/1862

From the Houston Telegraph
July 21, 1862
Texas & New Orleans Railroad
Change of Time
   On and after Monday, July 21st, 1862, the passenger trains on the T. & N. O. R. R. will be run in connection with the Steamer Florida as follows: Leave Houston Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 A. M., and arrive at Orange, Orange county, at 6:05 P. M. in time to take the steamer Florida for Niblett's Bluff the same evening. Time of arrival at Niblett's Bluff, 9 P. M.
   Leave Niblett's Bluff on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 3 a. m., and arrive at Orange in time to take the cars for Houston at 6:30 a. m. Time of arrival at Houston, 4:45 p. m.
   Passengers going east will get their supper, and those going west their breakfast, on board the steamboat.
   Fare through, $7.50.
A. M. Gentry, President
W. W. Morris, Gen'l Sup't
